Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Not All Troopers in Star Wars Are The Same

Are These The Troopers Your Looking For?

The Differences between each types of troopers inside the Star Wars Universe. 

 Hot Toys First Order Stormtrooper Sixth Scale Figure Spacetrooper | Wookieepedia | FANDOM powered by Wikia     Arc Clone Trooper: Echo Phase II Armor Sixth Scale Figure $149.99  Click on picture until you get to Sideshow page to see more info, details, and to pre-order direct from Sideshow!!!

Captions and links for the different troopers will be posted under this. From left to right. 

First Order Trooper on the left: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/270567890096929368/
Empire Storm Trooper in the middle: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/270567890096929378/
Republic Clone Trooper on the right: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/270567890096929337/

If you want so see other material about this topic check out The Lore Master, as well as The Stupendous Wave He is another great source of information on anything Star Wars.
Image result for clones vs stormtroopers

Have you ever saw the men in white armor and said to yourself "They are all the same." 

Actually these troopers are very different from each other. Not only in armor appearance, but in physical appearance, background story, quality of training, effectiveness, and even political difference. For the sake of story telling lets talk about each trooper in chronological order of who is who and how the trooper in Star Wars evolved.  

For The Republic! ( The Clone Trooper ) The ones who do hit their targets!

Star Wars - Clone Trooper Phase 2 armor (anyone know what division this trooper is with???)
Background of Clone Troopers:
The Clone Troopers were the main body of the military of the Republic in the Clone Wars. However, Clone Troopers didn't start off as the main military body for the Republic. They were made in secret and ordered from Jedi Master Sifo Dise. Their creation started in between the movies Episode 1 and 2. Obi Wan Kenobi hunting down the bounty hunter Jango Fett discovered the secret army and was revealed to him that about 200,000 Clone Troopers were made with 1 million more on the way for the Republic. The Clone Troopers first battle was on the battle of Geinosis coliseum after the battles a 3 year wars started called The Clone Wars.

Lucasfilm URL Purchases Hint at Upcoming Star Wars Movies and TV Shows

The Clone Wars:
 The Clone Wars Lasted for about 3 years and this also included the Jedi order to be shoe horsed into the military and lead the Clone Troopers. The Clones had different battalions and were marked by their different coloring regarding which battalion they belonged to as well as which Jedi General they fought with. The Clones had many battles and they won the war against the massive threat of the droid army. In the end due to Darth Sidious' plan and manipulating the government in the galaxy the clones had this thing called an inhibitor chip implanted in their brains ( Mind control chip ) and were given the famous and devastating Order 66. This meant all clones who were on the good side, turned on their Jedi leaders and killed them with a surprise assault.  After Order 66 Clones became the first and official Storm Troopers.

commander and general cody - obiwan gree - yoda rex - anakin ganch - keelyvine fil - kit fisto bly - aayla wolffe - ploo koon




Training: ( Clone Trooper Training and Physical Appearance ):

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Physical Appearance: 
Each clone trooper was exactly identical and looked exactly alike another clone trooper, this made manufacturing easier for armor creating as well as identifying friendly and foes. Clones were bred to be in top shape soldiers who can battle in any physical environment and they had many different factions of military that were trained for different purposes. Clones were also given accelerated aging meaning that a clone who was 10yrs old was really 20 years old to normal humans, however due to their accelerated aging their training was alot more intensive than normal soldiers. Clones had increased reaction time and endurance to last longer and react quicker than most soldiers.

Training: Sense the time of birth each clone is born and divided into separate pods or factions and they would grow up with each other as a company. Clones would learn battle tactics and team work at a young age and train extensively as effective combat soldiers or whatever field they are in. Clones were also trained by infamous and deadly Mandilorian Warriors as well as the galaxies deadliest Bounty Hunters ( Including Jango Fett himself ). This was top tier training for clones that normal humans wouldn't stand up to the physical or disciplinary demands of the Clone Core. In short because of this training and for comparison 1 Basic Clone Trooper = 7 Basic Imperial Storm Troopers. The clone troopers among all other troopers were the most effective soldiers in the entire galaxy and in Star Wars history.

Transaction from Clone Troopers to Storm Troopers: 

The soldiers changed sides completely after Oder 66. After The Clone Wars and the fall of the Jedi and Republic, The Empire was the new rule now and the military changed from Clone Troopers to being Storm Troopers. The Clone Troopers who were in the Clone Wars and bred from the cloning facility joined in Storm Trooper ranks and that is what Storm Troopers were at first, but eventually the Clones stopped filling the Storm Trooper Ranks due to the creators of the cloning facility rebelling against the empire. After a battle at the Kamino cloning facility and the downfall of the Kamino rebellion normal humans were being put in ranks of the Empire.

Storm Troopers:  For The Empire! ( The ones who miss targets)

star-wars-battlefront-storm-trooper-two-column-01-ps4-17apr15 (440×787)
Normally the Storm Troopers get a bad rap for how much they miss, but there are many theories as to why they miss their targets. However, in normal circumstances Storm Troopers are actually quite effective.

Background of Storm Troopers: 
Clone troopers initially started the Storm Trooper core and were the first to fill the ranks. After a Kamino uprising the Empire destroyed the cloning facility on Kamino thus ending the Jango Fett clone templates to continue in the Empire.

Scout troopers

The Storm Troopers:
For the first 20 years of the Galactic Empires rule the Clone Storm Troopers held the universe in an iron fist, but later as the Clone Storm Troopers started dying off due to old age ( Accelerated Growth) the Empire started the recruitment of normal human beings. After normal humans were enlisted in the ranks of Storm Troopers the quality of military effectiveness drastically dropped when comparing them to their Clone counter parts. The Normal Storm Troopers trained at academy that had similar type of training like the clones, but not on the same effectiveness due to humans not being able to live up to Clone expectations in training. However, the Storm Troopers enemy was now anyone who decided to rebel against the Empire. Later on after the fall of the Empire a faction would break off and proclaim themselves as The First Order.

The battle against the Rebellion: 
Storm Troopers were often at times battling against the rebel alliance who was made up of many entities of humans and aliens along with the task of hunting surviving Jedi from order 66. Though the empire held order for the first 20 years, due to the lack of sympathy that the Galaxy had to the Empire many places would normally revolt against the Empire causing constant military demand. Eventually after many battles and death of Dart Sidious and Darth Vader the Empire would fall.

Training and Physical Appearance: 

Physical Appearance: 
Storm Troopers were just normal individuals, it could be men or women in the ranks.

Storm Troopers were often sent to Storm Trooper Academies and trained to be effective soldiers, but quoted from Commander Cody a formal Clone Commander " These soldiers are not what they used to be ". Most Storm Trooper cadets were demoralized due to being trained by fear rather than hope, taught that strength in numbers was better than strength in tactics. Storm Troopers were not encouraged to be better than other piers, but merely be equal. Thus having a effective army, but only due to great numbers and competent leaders. In the end Storm Troopers had poorer training, but they were effective combative soldiers against other normal human paramilitaries like the rebellion. In short again 7 Storm Troopers = 1 Basic Clone Trooper.

Transaction from Storm Troopers to First Order Storm Troopers:

When the second death star was destroyed on Endor that is when the fall of the Empire began, and because the Empire was failing a small faction broke off from the Empire and became The First Order.

Long Live The Empire! The First Order ( The better storm trooper)

Hot Toys First Order Stormtrooper Squad Leader Sixth Scale Figure

Background of Clone Troopers:
Breaking off from a failing Empire and under the command of Supreme Leader Snoke, not much is entirely known about First Order Troopers other than they originated from the Empire in the Outter Rim Planets.

The Reemergence of the Empire:
 In Star Wars: The Force Awakens we are introduced to the new villain order called the First Order. The group is fighting against the new and restored republic in the galaxy and their mission is galactic conquest and control the galaxy again and restore an empire once more.

The Battle against the Resistance: 
After using Star Killer base and destroying a vast majority of the republics military strong holds, the First Order suddenly shot up in power and started making alliances with more corporation type military providers. This gave the First Order not only military power, but stability in supplies. During the fall of the republic bases again the First Order started taking control of planets again and occupying them once more

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Training and Physical Apperence:

Physical Appearance:
First Order Troopers followed the same template as Normal humans filling their ranks. 

The First Orders troopers were much like the Storm Troopers of the Empire just really a little better trained and more extreme in their belief. Much like a Storm Trooper Academy, the difference was that the First Order kidnapped children from areas and trained them in secret to become a better paramilitary. In short First Order Troopers were worth 3 Normal Storm Troopers.

In the end though they can be similar, but the quality and training made big decisions in the Galaxy. Each faction of trooper are vastly different in a much more in-depth analysis. 

In fact here is a short list of best to worst: Clone Troopers, First Order, Empire Storm Trooper.

If you want to see that more in-depth analysis or check out who is better out of who check out these two other youtube vidoes from The Stupendous Wave as well as The Lore Master.

The Stupendous Wave: 


The Lore Master: 



 These videos are really entertaining to watch if you ever want to know the difference between each of the troopers. 

However, what are your thoughts on the matter? I would like to hear it in the comments below. However I hope you enjoyed reading the article and have a good day.  


Thursday, January 25, 2018

STAR WARS: Top 10 Lightsaber Duelist In Star Wars!

STAR WARS: Top 10 Lightsaber Duelist in Star Wars! 


Greetings from a Galaxy far far away....Have you ever wondered who was the best lightsaber combatant? Or have you ever been in a debate on who would beat who? In this blog we will be going over ( In my opinion ) who the top 10 lightsaber duelist are in the Star Wars Universe: Prequel to Sequel era. ( Episodes 1-8) ( Legends or Cannon ) We will be taking information from not only the movies, but from books, games, and other Star Wars legends as well. To begin our list we will be going from 10 down to 1. I will be analyzing only their lightsaber technique as well as tactical abilities while dueling, only physical force powers included. SPOILER WARNING AHEAD WITH SOME CHARACTERS.

Part of my opinion will be with my own experiences and lessons iv learned as a person who has practiced in swordplay for more than 10 years.

If you do not agree with my opinion ( which is totally fine) here are some other videos that shed some light on the topic as well.  The Stupendous Wave has a great reputation for Star Wars Content on youtube and have a lot of interesting articles to go over. The Video will have this picture on it.



If you do not agree with the youtube video from Stupendous Wave,  there is also a top 15 list from Screen Rant titled 15 Best Lightsaber Duelists In The Star Wars Universe. Screen rant is a very trust worthy sight because they talk about in debt conversations about not only Star Wars, but other fun entertainment as well.


In my recommendation any of these blogs or youtube channels are great information guides for Star Wars debates like this, my last recommendation in this blog will be Antoine Bandele. Antoine is a great source of information for Star Wars and other Fantasy/Scifi topics and does his research really well, if you want to know anything about a Verses series then I would recommend watching his videos.



Before we begin let me note that anyone on this list would greatly challenge the other contestants on this list as well.

Without any further delay lets dive into our Top 10 Lightsaber Combatants and their forms.

10. Asajj Ventress

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Anakin ( Left ) vs Asajj  ( Right )
Asajj Ventress is one of the most deadly & fierce Sith assassins in the Star Wars universe. She has fought many powerful and well skilled duelist and lived through each battle. Being trained from the infamous duelist Count Dooku ( Regarded as one of the top swordsmen of his era) she honed on her skill set of dueling.

Asajj Ventress capitalized on a subset form of Niman called Jar'Kai: When a wielder will use two separate blades at the same time. This form focuses on a balance of offense and defense and depending on the usage you can go into a highly offensive barrage or if being pushed back you can utilize its defensible capabilities. Ventress made good use of the forms style and has put it to good effect against many duelist. Her tactical abilities are at first to use stealth, but if confronted she has no issue with having a conflict head to head. Ventress is one of the main adversaries in the Star Wars prequel era. Though not seen in the movies, she is seen a lot through Star Wars: The Clone Wars in both 2003 version as well as the 2008 TV show that is official canon as well as many books and magazines.

Asajj most credible feat
1. She has fought head to head with General Grevious and briefly won the cyborg general, but only by cutting off an arm.
2. Asajj has also fought multiple times with Anakin Skywalker and managed to live against the prodigies top tier blade work.
3. Asajj seemed to have an upper hand on another top duelist named Ashoka Tano as well as Jedi Master Luminara. 
4.Asajj has earned her reputation as a Sith assassin well.   

9. General Grievous

File:2005 Grievous remastered.jpg
General Grievous was an infamous and feared Jedi hunter and the leader of the droid armies. He often collected his victims fallen Lightsaber and added the Jedi items to his "collection". The General normally has a poor reputation and was considered " weak". This reputation from fans is based off of Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith, due to how quickly he was defeated by Obi Wan Kenobi.  To clarify though General Grievous was very strong and so strong that the Jedi Council sent Obi Wan Kenobi, because he was the only one combatant who was perfect to counter Grievous' fierce fighting style.

The General has many many years of combat experience as he was a previous general for his own alien species before he was the leader of the droid army. Due to a fatal ship sabotage, General Grievous lost most of his organic body and was revived from the Sith Lord Count Dooku. The elegant Count Dooku decided to save the Generals life by giving him advanced cybernetics which increased his reflexes, speed, and strength, along with 4 arms. The general was so fast that he could swing up to 20 strikes per second, normally overloading an opponents defenses. The General was trained by none other than Count Dooku ( seeing a pattern? ) and became one of the most feared warriors in the galaxy. The Generals main battle style was unorthodox and randomized, but calculated. The General had absolutely no force powers at all so he had to use tactics like fear, intimidation, surprise, and unorthodox on his side in order to get the better of his opponents.

1. One of the Generals best feats is being able to duel against 4-6 Highly trained Jedi at the same time while winning the fight( Star Wars Clone Wars: 2003).
2. Facing off against Obi Wan Kenobi multiple times in the Clone Wars. ( Star Wars ROTS & Clone Wars: 2003 & 2008 Series ).
3. Being able to successfully capturing the Chancellor off of Coruscant and defeat Jedi Master Shak Ti while doing so ( Star Wars: 2003).
4. Defeating Jedi Master Koth
5. Going head to head with Jedi Master Kit Fisto, though not winning, holding his own.       

8. Darth Maul

Image result for Darth maul deviantart
( Darth Maul in Battle Pose)  https://www.pinterest.es/pin/842947255225435711/
This list wouldn't be accurate if we didnt include one of the top fan favorite villains Darth Maul.
Darth Maul was considered one of the best Sith assassins in all of Star Wars history. He is most recognizable by his dual bladed lightsaber seen in Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace.

Darth Maul is by far one of the best duelist you wouldn't want to come across. He has mastered multiple forms of Lightsaber combat.  His specialty is in Lightsaber form 7 Juyo: The most ferocious and aggressive form in Lightsaber combat. In fact it is so aggressive that the Jedi stay away from using it out of caution to falling to the Dark Side. Juyo's greatest strength is its onslaught of its attacking abilities being able to take on multiple opponents at once. Not only is Darth Maul a great duelist in a blade, but also a master in hand to hand combat as well. Many people think Darth Maul dies in Episode 1, but he comes back into other shows such as the Clone Wars 2008 version as Obi Wan Kenobi's antagonist, but also makes a reappearance as well in Star Wars Rebels 2016. In short from a young age as a child til he was older Darth Maul was trained by Darth Sidious in the ways of the Dark Side to become the perfect Sith Assassin.

Darth Mauls Greatest feats:
1. He was able to contend with Darth Sidious for a while in Lightsaber combat, but ultimately lost. This is impressive seeing how he was taking on the most powerful Lord of the Sith in the known Cannon universe.
2. Darth Mauls other greatest feats was his killing of Jedi Master Qui Gon Jin, not only was he able to defeat a Jedi, but a Jedi Master who is one of the Jedi Orders best warriors.
3. Darth Maul was able to fight with Obi Wan Kenobi before and during the clone wars multiple times and the two seemed to be on par with each other.
4. In Star Wars Rebels even when Darth Maul was older he was still able to easily contend with much younger and capable Inquisitors and defeat them easily.
5. Darth Maul defeats Prez Vizla ( Leader of the Mandilorian race/War Race) without using the force and only his dueling abilities.
6. Darth Maul briefly fought Count Dooku and held his own.         

7. Count Dooku

The MASTER has left the building RIP at 93
( Count Dooku reading to duel ) https://www.pinterest.es/pin/547046685964181023/
Now before anyone decides to hit the red x in the corner let me explain. Though not much background story is provided to Count Dooku in the movies, his character gets plenty of background in comics as well as screen time as the main antagonist within the prequel era. Dooku is the leader of the separatist group who owns the droid army.

Count Dooku was once a Jedi and even trained under GrandMaster Yoda. Once Count Dooku became a Jedi Master he trained Qui Gon Jin and was regarded by not only the Jedi High Council, but many others as one of the greatest swordsmen the galaxy has ever seen. Count Dooku was a prodigy among his peers and later left the Jedi order due to his frustration from their political status and mingling within the government of galaxies, but what ultimately decided his leaving was the death of his former apprentice Qui Gon Jin.

Count Dooku had Mastered a few forms, but his own favorite was his unique style not many Jedi used sense the Old Republic. Count Dooku was considered the top practitioner of Lightsaber style Form II Makashi: The dueling form, this form specialized in 1V1 confrontations and was considered a offensive, precise and elegant form. The main focus of this form was on foot work, maneuvering around an opponents inner blade work, manipulating the confrontation, and piercing. This style in order to be mastered had to have a lot discipline put behind it. The Count has had many many confrontations with Star Wars best hero's it had to offer. You wouldn't want to slip up on your guard once, other wise you might see a red flash for one last time.

Count Dookus best feats:
1. Dookus was able to go up against GrandMaster Yoda and hold his own for a while.
2. Dooku was able to get the best of Anakin Skywalker for a time in their duels during the clone wars.
3. Dooku did defeat Obi Wan in Episode II with relative ease by wounding him.
4. Dooku Bested Asajj Ventress & 2 Night Sister assassins while poisoned & blinded for a time.
5. Dooku was able to spar with Mace Windu and hold his own against him.
6. Dooku was able to fight against Darth Maul briefly.


6. Mace Windu

Mace Windu, by Chris Trevas - Star Wars
( Mace Windu in battle ) https://www.pinterest.es/pin/493496071648377754/
Mace Windu is by far one of the most powerful Jedi in the order and is regarded as one of the top swordsmen in the entire Star Wars history. Not one person on this list would ever make easy work of the Jedi Master. Mace Windu was the second in command next to Grandmaster Yoda and was considered the face of the Jedi order before the prophecy Anakin came along. This Jedi Master is considered one of the deadliest warriors due to his magnificent abilities. Many people suspect Mace Windu of almost falling to the Dark Side, but allow me to clarify, he has a Dark Side aurora with him.

Mace Windu is a master in all Lightsaber combat, but his favorite Lightsaber form is a self made varient of the 7th Sith Form Juyo calld, Vaapad: This is a highly aggressive form that requires the user to enjoy the battle and use the dark side of the forces energy against the opponent. Mace Windu was by far the top tier user of the 7th form variant and was the best of the best as they come in regards to offensive abilities.

Mace Windu's Greatest Feats:
1. Having a 1 on 1 duel with Darth Sidious, the fight was described as a battle of flashing shadows this was the ultimate Sith Lord vs Jedi Master battle.
2. Usually able to contend with Count Dooku as an equal if not be his better in sparring.
3. Windu would have defeated Sidious had Anakin not stepped in.
4. Windu Easily killed legendary bounty hunter Jango Fett.
5. Windu once decimated an entire droid army by himself using only his hands and the force and his lightsaber techniques.
6. Windu has the force ability called shatterpoint that works against an opponents openings.

5.Darth Sidious / The Emperor

Darth Sidious vs. Master Yoda
( Sidious vs Yoda in Episode 3 ) https://www.pinterest.es/pin/569564684099798848/
Darth Sidious was a Dark Lord of the Sith who was proclaimed so powerful that not even Jedi GrandMaster Yoda could defeat him out right. This Dark Emperor was the mastermind behind the entire fall of the Jedi order as well as the Republic. He manipulated his way into politics and became a supreme chancellor for his galaxy and later made secret designs to order a grand clone army to be made for the republic, but later had this grand clone army execute order 66 to destroy all Jedi. If you ever see Sidious with a slight smile and looking at you, turn the other way and run.

Darth Sidious's was a master in all forms of combat, but his favorite Lightsaber form was the 7th form Juyo, but only amplified more in his force abilities. This was a highly aggressive form used that would be an onslaught of attacks that could overwhelm opponents. Sidious had great skill in lightsaber dueling, but more thanks to his amplified state. To note, only the best of the best could duel against Sidious and live to tell the tale. (I would even say Obi Wan would be able to duel against him, but once force abilities came into play it would be a lot more of an uphill battle for the master.) Eventually Darth Sidious was able to meet his goals in destroying the Jedi, Creating the empire, and also gaining the strongest apprentice Darth Vader. 

Darth Sidious Feats:
1. Darth Sidious is always seen fighting the most dangerous and respected characters within the saga.
2. Sidious is seen fighitng with GrandMaster Yoda in a one on one confrontation
3. Sidious is also seen fighting with Jedi Master Mace Windu and its said he was toying with him, but that was only at first, later on Sidious did have to take the fight seriously and still lost.
4. Sidious was able to fight both Darth Maul and his brother Savage Oppress at the same time and win.
5. Sidious was able to kill 3 Jedi Masters in a brief amount of time when facing 4 strong Jedi Masters.  

4. GrandMaster Yoda 

New Star Wars movie | Movie News: A Yoda-centered Star Wars movie? | InSession Film
( GrandMaster Yoda ready to fight Dooku ) https://www.pinterest.es/pin/38210296811930908/

 Grand Master Yoda is one of the most beloved and respected Jedi in the entire franchise, not only because of his vast and eternal knowledge, but his awesome skills and abilities he is able to perform. If you saw this little green Jedi Master pulling out his blade against you, you better have the best skills ever to survive. GrandMaster Yoda is the orders oldest member and the leader of the Jedi Order. Yoda has had his hand in teaching almost every single Jedi who has come into the Jedi Order. This green master is a fan favorite and the first time you ever see him pulling out his lightsaber you were in for a treat.

GrandMaster Yoda was considered more powerful in the force than he was in lightsaber combat, but when he used his lightsaber only the best of the best would contend with him. Yoda Mastered all forms of Lightsaber combat, but his favorite was Form IV Ataru: The acrobatic form, this was being able to perform high feats of arial attacks and flips and spins to overwhelm an enemy opponent. Much like I said about Count Dooku you wouldnt want to take your guard down even for a second.

GrandMaster Yodas Greatest Feats:
1. Able to go one on one with Darth Sidious in a high intense Lightsaber duel and later duel in the force. This was considered the ultimate master vs master fight in star wars.
2. Yoda was able fight off Count Dooku in lightsaber skills in episode 2
3. Yoda toyed with Asajj Ventress by taking her lightsabers, but thats more force than lightsaber abilites, but if we speculated she would have the fight of her life.
4. Yoda was considered above or equal to Mace Windu in combat abilites
5. Yoda had the most knowledge of the force and gifted abilities.   

3. Luke Skywalker

Still of Mark Hamill (Holy Crap he is 61 Years old - SIXTY ONE) in Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
( Luke vs Jabba's Guards ) https://www.pinterest.es/pin/539235755353098284/
 Luke Skywalker is Star Wars first hero in the fantastic saga. Luke started off as a farm boy who pretty much grew up and became a wise and powerful warrior with the best heart and determination of never giving up no matter how dire the circumstance. Despite his defeat by the hands of Darth Vader on Bespin/Cloud City, he grew strong in his abilities and became one of the best prodigies with a Lightsaber as well as the force. If Anakin Skywalker wasnt the prophecy, Luke would have been and he would bring balance to the force. After taking the heros quest Luke was able to succeed in becoming a Jedi and defeating his father and ultimately redeeming Darth Vader. I wont say much about Episode 8 for spoiler reasons. 

Luke Skywalker was just like his father and took a liking in the 5th form of Lightsaber Combat called Shien/Djem-so: This was a offensive ability that offered heavier and powerful cleaving swings with a faster motion. This form was for physically stronger combatants. Luke's defensive style was Form III Soresu: This form was the 100% defensive form that guaranteed the user to live in battles, but it offered no offensive abilities so the practitioner had to create their own opportunities. Soresu's main focus was to be energy efficient and tire down the offensive opponent until they gave up due to fatigue or made a mistake in their fighting style for the defensive practitioner to capitalize on.

Luke's Greatest Feats:
1.  Luke was able to defeat Darth Vader on the 2nd Death Star and turn him back to the light side.
2.Luke was able to fight Darth Vader on Cloud City after having little training, many Jedi have died doing that.
3. Luke does awesome stuff in Star Wars 8
4. Luke lives against Darth Sidious lighting a feat not many Jedi are able to walk away from.
5. Luke become a Grandmaster of the Jedi later on and is regarded as one of the most powerful beings in Star Wars history.

2. Anakin/Darth Vader

Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader Cardboard Standup
( Anakin/Darth Vader ) https://www.pinterest.es/pin/263742121904273577/
Not so brief History:
The Chosen One, it was said in an old Jedi Prophecy of a being so powerful in the Force they would destroy the Sith and restore balance in the Force. This was the person who was foretold about Anakin/Darth Vader, because he does bring balance, he was once the light and then the dark, then came back to light again. Balance.

Anakin Skywalker was a young boy found on tatooine and was conceived without a father ( It was manipulated force energy) and was later founded by Jedi Master Qui Gon Jin who saw his amazing potential and decided to bring him forth to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Though the Jedi High Council intentionally denied to train the boy due to his fear and being to old, they later relented after Obi Wan Kenobi would take him as his apprentice and Qui Gon died in a duel with Darth Maul.

Anakin through his diligent training became one of the most gifted Force-Users of the entire Star Wars Galaxy. Anakin was so powerful in the Force he had the potential to literally become a God amoung beings in his universe. However, During his training Anakin was always prone to using the Dark Side if it suited him. His first act as Darth Vader was killing an entire village of feared warriors called Tusken Raiders after they killed his mother. ( Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones ) During that time Obi Wan was on a hunt for someone named Jango fett and was caught. Anakin later told the Jedi Council of Obi Wans capture and participated in a rescue that turned into the battle that would spark The Clone Wars. Shortly after the battle in a coliseum he engaged in a duel with the infamous Count Dooku and lost his first limb.

During the time of The Clone Wars Anakin was regarded as the hero of the republic. He was well respected and fought many many battles and highly skilled foes during the encounters. Anakin was well liked among his peers and soldiers, he was strong, brave, kind, tactful, a great pilot, and legendary warrior.  He even outfought Count Dooku and killed him nearing the end of The Clone Wars Anakin fell to the Dark Side due to his fear of losing his wife Padme to death and made a deal with Darth Sidious to save his wife. Anakins turn happened when he was convinced and frightened of losing hope to save his wife by Darth Sidious and helped him  kill Jedi Master Mace Windu and this ultimately turned him into Darth Vader.

From Anakins fall from grace rose the most powerful Sith Lord ever, Darth Vader. In Vader's earlier hours before he would dawn the black robotic suit he made a fierce attack on the Jedi Temple with his 501st Legion of Highly Trained Clone Troopers, there he sacked the temple killing all the Jedi that remained in there and later went on to engage in a confrontation with his former master and friend, Obi Wan Kenobi. Vader lost and was dismembered by Obi Wan Kenobi during their duel on on the volcanic planet Mustafar. His arrogance got the better of him in that fight. However after that battle Darth Vader became a much better tactical fighter instead of fighting with extreme amounts of barrages and highly offensive skills, he honed his skill in using different forms of combat.

Anakins Forms of Lightsaber Fighting:
1. Shien/Djem-so Form V: This was the form that gave great offensive capabilities with power behind the strikes that could stagger opponents, as well as be quick enough to keep up with faster forms of combat. Anakin was a prodigy with his swordsmanship and was considered to be one of the absolute best swordsmen the Jedi have ever had.

Darth Vaders Lightsabers Fighting Forms:
1. Shien/Djem-So: This was the form that gave great offensive capabilities with power behind the strikes that could stagger opponents, as well as be quick enough to keep up with faster forms of combat. However, the downfall was Vader was not as fast as he used to be, but he became stronger due to his cybernetics and he utilized the Form very well he even hybridized it with Form II Makashi: The Dueling Form: This form specialized in 1V1 confrontations and was considered a offensive, precise and elegant form. The main focus of this form was on foot work, maneuvering around an opponents inner blade work, manipulating the confrontation, and piercing. In order to master this elegant style the practitioner had to put a lot discipline into it. 

Anakins Greatest Feats:
1. Killing Count Dooku in a 1v1 battle of blades.
2. Anakin fought Count Dooku as a padowan and lived ( not many would have )
3. Anakin has been in many battles in the clone wars, making him a well renounced tactician.
4. It was said that Anakin could rival Master Yoda in sparring matches.
5. Anakin defeated Asajj Ventress mutiple times, but was given scars from her.
6. Anakin Fought Count Dooku once while also fighting magna guards at the same time.

Darth Vader Greatest Feats:
1. Darth Vader was considered one of the greatest Jedi Killers in the entire galaxy and history of Star Wars due to his combat abilities.
2. Darth Vader was successful with killing all the Jedi in the Jedi Temple with help from his 501st Legion, but during his raid on the Jedi Temple, Anakin chocked an experienced Jedi with one hand while dueling Jedi Battle Master Cin Drallig (Another renowned swordsmen probably in top 25 duelist ).
3. Darth Vader was considered by Darth Sidious to be more powerful than he was when he was without his suit and could have bested him in combat.
4. Vader was capable of battling against Yoda in lightsaber combat
5. Vader was one of the smartest and best tacticians of dueling you would never want to meet.
6. Vader was smart when he would press and attack and know when to be on the defense, unlike other duelist who gave their all to either attacks or defense.
7. Defeating Luke with relative ease on Bespin/Cloud City "I am your father."
8. Having enough will power and strength to be constantly shocked by the Emperor ( Shortly dying after ).
9. Many people feared this Dark Lord of the Sith and was known as "The Emperors Fist".
10. An improved version of Anakin

1. Obi Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan vs Darth Vader - Battles - Comic Vine
( Obi Wan Kenobi in ready position ) https://www.pinterest.es/pin/516365913506315870/

Now I know many of you will be shocked by this decision that I made to put Obi Wan Kenobi in this position, but let me explain before you feel this article might have been a waste of a read.

Obi Wan is the character you watch that keeps getting stronger and better as the series continues he is the person who is always growing in skill and potential to rise and meet the challenge ahead no matter how dangerous the situation is.

Brief History:
Obi Wan when he was younger was considered a failure at first in the Jedi Order, and due to his lack of strength in the Force when he was younger he almost had no Jedi Masters choose him, except for Qui Gon Jin.

Qui Gon just like he saw potential in Anakin, saw great potential in Obi Wan Kenobi. He was right, through his growing up Obi Wan trained hard to prove his worth and had many adventures with his old master right before they went to Naboo to help against the Separatist invasion.

During the aid of Naboo, Obi Wan Kenobi and Qui Gon Jin engaged in a great duel with Darth Maul in the result of Qui Gon falling and Obi Wan Kenobi Emerging victorious. Afterwards Obi Wan became Anakin Skywalkers mentor, teacher, and dearest friend. Obi Wan Kenobi was then appointed to being a Jedi Knight after defeating a Sith Warrior, which hasn't happened for 1000 years.

During Episode 2: Attack of the Clones. Obi Wan does get out dueled by Count Dooku, but the reason for that is because he was still a practitioner and not the perfectionist yet at the time of a new form he adopted. Obi Wan moved from his younger form of fighting Form IV Ataru: The more aggressive form with no defensive abilities, to Form III Soresu: This form was the 100% defensive form that guaranteed the user to live in battles. However, despite Form III's advantages Obi Wan Kenobi was still relatively new to the form going up against a Jedi Leveled Master who mastered Form II Makashi.

During The Clone Wars:
During his times with Anakin the two became close and had many adventures together and faced the galaxies deadliest opponents. During the times of the Clone Wars: Obi Wan Kenobi was considered one of the finest duelist of his era. He didn't earn it by just having blessed abilities by way of prophecy or by creating his own fighting style like Mace Windu, but Obi Wan dedicated hundreds if not thousands of hours to his practices in becoming a near perfectionist in his styles of fighting with the best possible sparring partner you could have Anakin Skywalker.

During the end of The Clone Wars:

Obi Wan Kenobi had fought with General Grievous and defeated him to end the war, as well as later on fought with Darth Vader on Mustafar while the Sith Lord was in his prime and beat him as well.

Obi Wan as Old Ben Kenobi:
Obi Wan went into hiding after order 66 was executed thus killing most of the Jedi Order and later reemerged after almost 20 years, to help train the son of Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker. During a voyage on the Millennium Falcon to meet with the rebels against the empire the ship was pulled into the Death Star, while Luke Skywalker and Han Solo were off rescuing the Princess Leia, Obi Wan turned off tractor beams and later faced off against his former apprentice Darth Vader for the last time. 

Obi Wan Kenobis Fighitng Styles:

Form IV Ataru: This was a highly aggressive form capitalizing on quick strikes and combing flips and martial combat into the mix along with arial strikes. Obi Wan was considered a great practitioner in this form.
Form V Nimon/Jar'Kai: Obi Wan despite not being seen with two Lightsabers at once in films, does a demonstration on how well he can use the form against two Sith Warriors, Darth Maul and Savage Oppress.
Form III: Soresu: This form was the 100% defensive form that guaranteed the user to live in battles, but it offered no offensive abilities so the practitioner had to create their own opportunities. Soresu's main focus was to be energy efficient and tire down the offensive opponent until they gave up due to fatigue or made a mistake in their fighting style for the defensive practitioner to capitalize on. Obi Wan Kenobi was not a master of the form, but THE MASTER of the form admitted by Mace Windu.
Form III also had no weaknesses compared against any other form of Lightsaber combat.

Obi Wan Kenobi's Greatest Feats:
1. He went toe to toe with Darth Vader in the battle of Mustafar and beat him in his potential prime.
2. Kenobi was able to fight with Qui Gon against the highly trained and out of his skill level at the time Darth Maul and was able to defeat him. ( Only to have him return later )
3. Obi Wan was the perfect warrior to handle the barrage of attacks from General Grievous and defeated him while being on the defensive.
4. Obi Wan Kenobi was able to meet the skills of Count Dooku in episode 3, This is discussed in the novels by how impressed Count Dooku was that Kenobi had become a Soresu Master. Dooku only beat Kenobi again by way of the force, not in swordsmanship like episode 2.
5.  Because of that acknowledgement from the highly renouned Dooku, this means Obi Wan Kenobi was able to contend with the best of the best swordsmen and not fall to being outmatched by swordplay.
6. Obi Wan used the form Nimon: Jar'kai, an unfamiliar form to him and faced off against the deadly brother duo of Darth Maul and Savage Oppress.
7. Obi Wan Kenobi has had multiple duels with General Grievous and is one of the only Jedi who live from it.
8. Kenobi was able to defeat Asajj Ventress more than once
9. Obi Wan Kenobi had perfected the Form III Soresu, (lets put this short as a person who actually does swordplay, if someone has an Iron wall that cant be broken, despite the ferocity of an attack, it wont be broke so the offense becomes mute.)
10. Obi Wan Kenobi was considered one of the smartest duelist when it came to his opponents from using the high ground, to working his way inside of a rushed enemies flurry of blows, Obi Wan Kenobi is always thinking on his feet when it comes to a duel.
11.Obi Wan Kenobi has faced off against the galaxies deadliest foes and overcame them and also did so by not losing anything vital like an arm or a leg.
12. It took Darth Vader to defeat an Old Obi Wan Kenobi, though Kenobi knew he was sacrificing himself during his last duel.

This is just my opinion and by all means I do think any of these Jedi/Sith characters are all extremely powerful foes who are able to contend with one another. There are no clear and clean victories for anyone here on this list. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this list and reasoning and I hope you have a great day!

What do you think?
Do you agree or dont agree with this list? If so I would like to see a comment on why you think differently ( not that I will insult your opinion, after all its yours to have ) Anyways thanks for reading this and I hope you can like and share it if you enjoyed my list and reasoning.

Have a great night readers.   

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Hello There!

Hello There! Welcome to Star Wars Opinions the blog spot that discusses the best entertainment franchise in a galaxy far far away as well as our modern media today!

This blog will discuss: Popular discussions, trends, theories, vs series, and even lightsaber combat.  

Who am I?
My name is Russell Ricketts and I am a HUGE Star Wars fan, I love the movies, stories, and just about everything about the fantastic franchise. I always look for new theories or lore stories about star wars and wish to expound upon them if I can. 

What do I do?
I am currently on my last semester here at SUU in Utah. I am a Criminal Justice major for my bachelors degree. Fun fact: I am a president of a sword fighting club. I actually studied for almost 12 years in sword techniques, and study the 7 forms of light saber combat along with normal swordplay combat. Here is a link of those 7 forms if your already interested to know them.  

Why do I want to talk about it? 
I love Star Wars, I am an extremely huge fan of the series and the characters within it. I feel it is one of the most well liked and popular entertainment sources in media industry. When is the last time that you went a week without hearing the word Star Wars or a reference to it? It is a fun topic to talk about with people, it has a very very deep lore of stories within the universe and just a vast imagination grounds.    

How will we get information on topics? 
I will share links with popular theories and youtube videos as well as discuss my own personal opinions on the characters within the franchise. One of the most popular theories in my opinion is Star Wars Theory on Youtube. I would suggest following them if you want to hear some really interesting alternative stories as well as things explained.

How does it make you money?
Star Wars is by all means one of the biggest money making franchises around, especially sense Disney owns it. If you want to make money on writing a blog on it I assume you would have to work for Disney, Lucas Film or another Star Wars Blog.

The Best Lightsaber Form and Why

The Best Lightsaber Form  Hello everyone and welcome to Star Wars Fun facts and Opinions. Today we will be looking at the best lightsaber...