Thursday, January 18, 2018

Hello There!

Hello There! Welcome to Star Wars Opinions the blog spot that discusses the best entertainment franchise in a galaxy far far away as well as our modern media today!

This blog will discuss: Popular discussions, trends, theories, vs series, and even lightsaber combat.  

Who am I?
My name is Russell Ricketts and I am a HUGE Star Wars fan, I love the movies, stories, and just about everything about the fantastic franchise. I always look for new theories or lore stories about star wars and wish to expound upon them if I can. 

What do I do?
I am currently on my last semester here at SUU in Utah. I am a Criminal Justice major for my bachelors degree. Fun fact: I am a president of a sword fighting club. I actually studied for almost 12 years in sword techniques, and study the 7 forms of light saber combat along with normal swordplay combat. Here is a link of those 7 forms if your already interested to know them.  

Why do I want to talk about it? 
I love Star Wars, I am an extremely huge fan of the series and the characters within it. I feel it is one of the most well liked and popular entertainment sources in media industry. When is the last time that you went a week without hearing the word Star Wars or a reference to it? It is a fun topic to talk about with people, it has a very very deep lore of stories within the universe and just a vast imagination grounds.    

How will we get information on topics? 
I will share links with popular theories and youtube videos as well as discuss my own personal opinions on the characters within the franchise. One of the most popular theories in my opinion is Star Wars Theory on Youtube. I would suggest following them if you want to hear some really interesting alternative stories as well as things explained.

How does it make you money?
Star Wars is by all means one of the biggest money making franchises around, especially sense Disney owns it. If you want to make money on writing a blog on it I assume you would have to work for Disney, Lucas Film or another Star Wars Blog.

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The Best Lightsaber Form and Why

The Best Lightsaber Form  Hello everyone and welcome to Star Wars Fun facts and Opinions. Today we will be looking at the best lightsaber...