Thursday, March 22, 2018

Darth Maul vs Mace Windu

The Phantom Menace vs The Vaapad Master 

Star Wars - Darth Maul by Torstein Nordstrand   Star Wars - Mace Windu by Jan Duursema

In this match up we will be comparing their Physical, Dueling, Tactical, and Force abilities against each other and later end the duel in a scenario.

Round 1: Physical Abilites

Darth Maul 

Star Wars. Curated by Suburban Fandom, NYC Tri-State Fan Events:

Darth Maul was a well built humanoid Zabarak Warrior who was in his physical prime, considered to be stronger than most, in fact he was highly conditioned to do long engagements with enemy fighters and last for a long time in battle. If we were to rate on a scale of 1-10 on how good of shape Darth Maul was in he would be reaching a 9.5-10, he is the perfect fighting condition duelist. He is not only physically strong, but extremely fast as we and agile in his movements. He is seen using many physical strikes within his combat sequences as well as performing aerial flips during duels crediting his physical abilities. He also has a great endurance for engagements and has one of the highest pain thresholds due to his species, he can tank mounts of pain and keep fighting. In short you wouldnt want to go against Maul and expect to last. 

Mace Windu

Mace Unleashed

Mace Windu was a Human Jedi who was older in his years around 40, but he was just as good in shape as men half his age. He was considered one of the most powerful force users in the Jedi order and was gifted with great physical abilities, Mace Windu was considered to be one of the most in shape Jedi of the order, on a scale of 1-10 on physical conditioning, Mace Windu would be at a 9, I say 9 due to his older age, but dont let that fool you in how well he is conditioned. Mace Windu was well conditioned to have marathon lightsaber duels as well as engage with enemies who were younger and stronger than he was, but to give you an idea of how strong Mace Windu was during a battle in the clone wars he destroyed over 100,000 battle droids in a fight and slayed many of them just using his bare hands. This speaks greatly to his strength, speed, agility, and endurance to last in a fight. Mace also was able to keep up with the speeds of Grand Master Yoda and Darth Sidious who were considered some of the fastest beings in the galaxy. He fought on equal offensive output as General Grievous who could strike up to 20 strikes per second, if not Mace Windu could put more of an offensive output making him deathly quick.  

The winner of this round 1-10
Darth Maul 5
Mace Windu 5

Although I said Maul was at a 10 and Mace was at a 9 that doest mean Maul would be able to outlast him nor Mace able to outlast Maul they both would go in giving it their all til a killing blow is struck. 

Round 2: Dueling Abilites

Darth Maul

Darth Maul vs. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn wallpaper

Darth Maul was considered to be one of the finest duelist in Star Wars History, I mean in the Top 7 Duelist in the Galaxy. He was able to combat both Obi Wan Kenobi ( Padowan, but fought later as he was a Jedi Master too ) Qui Gon Jin in the first episode and manages to slay Qui Gon. Qui Gon was considered to be one of the finer swordsmen of the Jedi Order at the time. Darth Maul was also able to contend with Darth Sidious 1 on 1 for a while until he was out maneuvered and then defeated by the Dark Lords Force powers. However, make no Mistake Darth Maul has fought not only Jedi, but Count Dooku, Asasjj Ventress, and General Grievous as well and managed to live through them. Darth Mauls dueling style was Form 7 Juyo which was the highly aggressive and offensive form of combat. The Form was considered to be unpredictable and rapid in attacks giving great offensive output onslaughts. However, that doesn't mean Maul didn't have balance as due to his double sided lightsaber he was able to do attacks and counter attacks if opponents attacked him. He was a greatly gifted duelist I would say only the best of the best could contend with Maul and live to tell about it, or be lucky enough to escape before its too late. 

Mace Windu

Mace Windu, by Chris Trevas - Star Wars 

Mace Windu was considered 2nd to none in Lightsaber Combat, he was one of the best and most powerful lightsaber combatants anyone has ever seen. He not only was able to contend with Darth Sidious by himself, but he outfought Sidious, though some speculate Sidious through the fight, but allow me to elaborate, At first yes Sidious threw the fight to save time for Anakin to see that Windu was attacking him, but during that fight Sidious regretted allowing Mace to live for a moment because this allowed  Mace Windu to actually use his form Vaapad and was starting to get the actual upper hand on the Sith Lord and Sidious feared his arrogance of that moment would cost him his life. Mace Windu is the master who created the Form 7 style of Vaapad, this was a form that allowed Jedi to enter into the fight and enjoy the duel and use the opponents dark side abilities against them. It is much like the Sith Form 7 Style Juyo, but only used for the light side of the force, but not many Jedi Practiced it due to its nature to lure Jedi to the Dark Side. Mace has even effortlessly decapitated the most dangerous bounty hunter Jango Fett as well and often Sparred against Count Dooku, a person who was on his level besides Yoda or Sidious. If anything Mace Windu is an accomplished Duelist who only the best of the best could stand up to. 

Winner of this round by scale of 1-10 
Darth Maul: 4.9
Mace Windu: 5.1

Seriously its almost so close its negligible, but this would be an ultimate duel of the two masters apprentices, Yoda's prodigy vs Sidious's Apprentice. If either of them slips up at all during this fight with each other its likely the other will perish to ones blade work. Windu only has the slight advantage because he can use Darth Mauls Dark Side energy against him, but that alone wouldn't be enough to beat Darth Maul.  

Round 3: Force Abilites


Darth Maul - I'm not the biggest Star Wars fan, but I had to post this for the spectacular image.

Darth Maul was considered to be a powerful force user, he was trained by the Dark Lord of The Sith, Darth Sidious. He used most of his abilities in his physical combat, this helps to contribute to his higher pain threshold, his insane strength and endurance, as well as his force precognition was on point, precognition is when you have foresight of the future, hence why in the prequels it looks like choreographed dance fighting because its so smooth of these warriors in their prime. Darth Maul had good use of his basic attacks of Force Push, Force Pull, Force Throw, as well as Force Speed, he also uses the Dark Side of the Force to fuel his anger and hatred in gaining him power. 


Master of the Council - Mace Windu oil painting by Paul Burrow

Mace Windu was considered a very powerful Jedi Master in the force, second to Yoda, he was gifted in many attributes of the abilities the force granted him. He was gifted with great precognition foresight, force crush, force push, speed, throw, physical strength and agility, and his greatest force ability shatter point: This ability is able to look for the weaknesses in opponents, like starting at a perfect shaped mirror, but being able to see the weak point. In his battles Mace Windu has been seen sending hundreds of battle droids flying by a powerful force push, he is also a Jedi who knows mind trick, force infiltration: This is when you can go inside someones mind to read their thoughts. In anything short Mace Windu was considered to be the Chosen One, until Anakin came along. 

Winner by scale of 1-10 
Darth Maul: 4
Mace Windu: 6

Round 4: Tactics 

Darth Maul By Craig Deakes #starwars #darthmaul

Darth Maul was considered to be a great dueling tactic mind, he was able to contend with two Jedi at the same time and make it difficult for both of them to overcome him, not only that, but Darth Maul was able to lure out Obi Wan Kenobi by causing some destruction around the Galaxy and trapping and even capturing the Great Tactic mind like Obi Wan Kenobi. Maul also took over the warrior planet Mandelore and controlled that section for a short time, he became so much of a dangerous force that even the Emperor himself wen to deal with him. Eventually Maul always skeemed to get revenge on those who do him wrong, such as Obi Wan Kenobi, he succeed in his revenge by killing Obi Wan Kenobi's love right in front of him only to see the Jedi Master broken. ( Wait Obi Wan had  a love connection? Yes he had a prior love connection and harbored feelings, but it didnt destroy him). However, the point was that Darth Maul usually knows how to succeed in his plans and strategy. He is a master manipulator and is able to trick people into doing his bidding. 

Mace Windu 

Mace Windu for Star Wars Miniatures: Masters of the Force art by Terese Nielsen

Mace Windu was a great, powerful, and wise Jedi Master. He was a very great strategist in his tactics when it came on engagements. Mace was one of the greatest Generals in the Clone Wars, normally taking on the hardest and most deadly missions other armies had to offer. Mace normally succeeded in his missions as well as his task, however when it comes to dueling he is very direct and forward, one would say his rushing to Palatines office was considered rash and wreckless when it came to confronting the Dark Lord of The Sith, Mace underestimated his opponent by only taking 4 Jedi Masters, however one could argue he didnt underestimate his opponent if he took 4 Jedi Masters, but that is always up for debate. However, despite Mace Windu's direct and forward approach, he can manage to do it because he is able to back it up and hold his own in almost any situation. 

Winner by rate of 1-10
  Darth Maul: 5
Mace Windu: 5

The Scenario

Who win in a lightsaber duel?Mace Windu: VS:Darth Maul:VOTE!!!!!


       Mace Windu, Jedi Master.

This battle will take place in the Coruscant Senate building, only instead of Mace Windu going to confront the Chancloer with his 4 Jedi, Mace instead finds the Former apprentice of the Sith hunting down Palpatine. The two would stare at each other for a moment, and Mace would say " So your the one who killed Qui Gon Jin." Darth Maul would smile and remove his robes and get into a stance ready for battle. Maul igniting his double sided lightsaber would be ready for Mace Windu to take the approach and wait for his opponent to make the first move. Mace Windu would ignite his lightsaber and begin his attack first, Maul would notice how fast and aggressive Mace Windu's strikes were and how it dawned on him the familiarity of the style, it was like his Juyo, but only not. Maul would reassess the situation and begin putting counter strikes into the Jedi Masters sequence, Mindu would be very strong to see these counters coming and use an offensive move to counter Darth Mauls Counters, but then Windu would suddenly feel a kick against his chest, as he went flying back he would see Darth Maul leap in the air ready to commit to an assault of his own, as Windu would land on his feet and regain composure he and Maul would be striking at each other blow for blow matching each others speed, strength, agility, and ferocity. The room would be flashing with bright colors of red and purple as the two would battle it out, through the dark city one could speculate that the flashes of red and purple lighting were in the sky. Inside the room Maul would use a force push to knock Mace Windu off balance, but Windu would simply do an areal assault and land on his feet, he would return a force push only for Maul to tank it and stand in a strong warrior position. This was starting to become a contest to the will of the warrior. Both would again engage in a jaw dropping lightsaber exchange as both ferocity warriors would strike and counter, strike and counter, only no one is able to get the upper hand on each other, the more this duel played out though the more clear Mace Windu's Vaapad would start to kick in and see the Dark Force users power and start to work it against him. This would happen as then Mace would see Mauls greatest weakness, his double sided lightsaber, with a quick swing of his blade, Mace Windu would cut Darth Mauls lightsaber in half, and suddenly kick Maul to the ground with one of Mauls lightsaber half's falling out the senate building window. Attempting to make a finishing move on Maul by striking down, Maul would quickly leap up to avoid a final lightsaber strike, and reengage with Mace Windu Single blade to single blade. Mace and Maul would land a few strikes of punches and kicks to each other, but then finally Mace Knew what he would have to do to finish this fight. Mace would allow Maul to attack with his ferocity and let Maul give into his anger and hate, for he had Vaapad, and it succeeds though not without sacrifice, as Maul would continue his onslaught Mace would strike true and cut the sith in half finally seeing an opening, but Maul would take Mace Windu's arm in the process. As Maul would fall out the window cut in Half, Mace would be recalling the Jedi Masters for assistance and be rushed to a Jedi Temple to regain a robotic hand, the attack on the Emperor would have to wait.

My Personal Thoughts and opinons

In the end not much force abilities would really be used in this battle, the only time they would be used is if one would get distance over the other. In this circumstance it wouldnt be a powerful force push that would decide a winner, but rather the influences of the force within a fight, both Mace Windu and Maul would be on equal footing the entire time in dueling the only reason Mace Windu would win is because of his force abilities shatter point, and Vaapad to use Mauls dark energy against him, slowly, but surely, however with great sacrifice.

The winner 
Mace Windu: 5.2 out of 10 times. 
Darth Maul: 4.8 out of 10 times.

However this is just my opinion, here are a few more videos relevant to this topic.

1. NET Alliance - Star Wars Fun 

2. The TV Regent 

3. RedirectionReviews

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