Thursday, March 29, 2018

Boba Fett vs Han Solo

The Bounty Hunter vs The Scoundrel

Star Wars Battlefront    VS    Star Wars Battlefront Han Solo Han Solo, Leia, and Emperor Palpatine Join Star Wars Battlefront

Han Solo vs Boba Fett

The Smuggling Scoundrel vs The Galatic Bounty Hunter

In this match up between the two contestants we will be doing the same as we have always done in our previous articles, each person will be judge on 4 categories followed by a scenario battle, without further a due lets dive into the battle of Han Solo vs Boba Fett

Round 1: Physical abilities

Boba and his Mandalorian Armor                            VS                                           Han Solo - Info, Pictures, and Videos | - Okay, okay I have a little crush on him.

Han Solo: A taller and well built human male, he is athletically strong and fast. He isn't a Jedi or a Sith, but he is what one would consider to be athletic almost on a semi pro athlete level. This almost undermines him, simply put he is in great shape. When I say fast I mean he has a very quick hand for a quick draw from his blaster on the level of top tier cowboy duelist. If you have your guard down around Han he might just surprise you. Han also has a good endurance for long missions, battles, and even torture. On a scale of 1-10 Han has a solid 7.

Boba Fett: Boba Fett was a Clone from the famous Jedi Killer Jango Fett, but Jango didn't want Boba altered like the rest of his clone counter parts so he was a normal human born with Jango's DNA. Boba Fett was considered extremely well physically conditioned and had his fathers abilities in physical proweless. Boba Fett was considered strong enough to fight 1 on 1 with a wookie and win, fast enough to kill Jedi, and stealthy enough that even force sensetives has a hard time tracking him. Boba Fett would put pro athletes to shame on his speed, strength, endurance, and stealth. Scale of 1-10, Boba Fett is a 9 for not being a force sensitive.
Winner of round 1: Boba Fett, he wouldn't be considered the galaxies greatest bounty hunter if he wasn't fit for the job.

Round 2: duelist/fighting abilities

Star Wars Boba Fett metal poster - PosterPlate posters made out of metal     VS      Han and Chewie /by Chris Trevas #StarWars #art

Han Solo: Han Solo was a great combatant on a field when he came against storm troopers or whoever really, we will see more in his upcoming anthology film. Han was a very quick hand with his blaster and often caught his enemies by surprise or opportunity. He had quick reflexes to usually get the jump on his foes, but often once his foes knew he was there it just became a fire fight. Han solo was also a great marksman and able to hit his targets often if not always. However Han was very direct once noticed and engaged in fire fights often, but that isn't to say at times he isn't clever and can be stealthy like when he was on the death star or at star killer base. However, each time he went he was discovered and then engaged in a fight. On a scale of 1-10 as a blaster weilder 9
Boba Fett: Boba Fett grew up training with Clone ARC troopers as well as being personally taught from his father Jango Fett ( the greatest bounty hunter at the time) and later the runner up greatest bounty hunters. Near the end of Boba Fetts training he killed Cade Bane the runner up and 2nd to Jango hence his dent in his helmet from a quick draw duel.  Boba Fetts whole life has been being trained as a gun for hire or soldier, he is considered one of the greatest shots, fastest shots, clever tactitional minds for his bounties, and also been in the clone wars leading up to parts of the galactic civil war. Boba Fett has plenty of war experience and he uses it well. In regards to speed or surprises, no one surprises Boba Fett or can outpace him in shooting.
On a scale of 1-10 as a blaster weilder 10.
Winner of round 2: Boba Fett, Han is a great combatant and ground soldier, but Boba Fett has faced many more enemies and has a bigger range of experience.

 Round 3: Tactics

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Han Solo: Han Solo was considered a great tactic mind, he was often clever and very bold, he often knew when to attack, when to evade, how to sneak in or sneak out, he was considered a great smuggler, so if anything he was a top tier professional thief in the galaxy. He has a lot of experience in dealing with the empire and knowing how to make a plan, he was successful on his mission on Endor when it came to sabotage tactics, he succeed on rescuing princess Leia from the Death Star even though he fought his way through he did survive. Usually Han had to make up plans on the fly and improvise, but sometime that can only get you so far, after all he did get captured on Endor to begin with, but when the Ewoks helped he took that as an opportunity to fight with his squadron. On a scale of 1-10 on tactics Han is a 8, only because he is so good with his plans on the fly.
Boba Fett: Being the greatest bounty hunter in the world usually has well thought out planning and executions, normally in books, comics, or tv series, Boba fett always studies his enemies before taking a job, he always lures them into a trap of his choosing and often executes them when they don't expect it, however that doesn't mean Boba fett cant adapt on the fly either, after all in his profession not all plans go accordingly. Boba Fetts biggest successes in luring his prey is when he traps Mace Windu as a boy for revenge, Tracks down Han Solo's ship while hiding in garbage, assassinating high level crime bosses in their guarded homes, killing Jedi. Boba Fett is a great hunter if your not getting the jist by now. on a scale of 1-10 Boba gets a 8

Winner of this round: Tie 
Both can adapt on the fly and both know when to execute their plans. 

Round 4: Equipment

*BOBA FETT ~ Star Wars :       10 Things We Want To See In A Han Solo Star Wars Movie

Han Solo: Han Solo only carried one thing, a good blaster, his DL-44 was considered illegal to the empire due to its ability to go through the armor of storm troopers, in short its pretty much the .44 Magnum of the Star Wars. Han also had a light jacket for good moment and silence, but other than that he didnt have much else. On a scale of 1-10 Han gets a 5 because he only has his skills and a good blaster. If he sustains an injury he doesnt have armor to protect him and he can be vulnerable for other attacks.
Boba Fett: Boba Fett was considered a Swiss army knife of star wars, he had Mandolorian Armor capable of taking heavy blaster fire, even light-medium placed lightsaber strikes, a special fiber suit for when injured it would work as a pressure system to keep him from bleeding out or holding his body in place. He also had wrist gauntlets full of different items such a wrist rockets, a flame thrower, and a wire bolo shooter to capture enemies. as well as he had his utility for hacking, scanning, blocking devices. Boba Fetts gun was a EE-3 Carbine Blaster Rifle, good for short and medium engagements, but it shot on a triple burst fire and semi, this was another illegal gun to have for the empire. Boba fett also had  a rocket launcher jet pack capable of making him fly for short distances, shooting devastating rockets, and having a quick escape from his enemies or a quick chase to get to them. However, all of these impressive feats combined do not match up to Boba Fetts helmet, his helmet has a 360 degree sonar tracking device that literally lets him be aware of all his surrounding areas, he can have night vision, thermal vision, and heat vision in his helmet, it also has a system inside to take care of toxins if in the area, it also is the most durable part of his armor. On a scale of 1-10, its a 10, I would say Boba Fett dresses to the 9's, but he is so well equipped that hardly anyone would beat him in readiness. 

Winner of round 4 by scale of 1-10 
Boba Fett: 8
Han Solo: 2  



This battle will take place on Endor, the forest planet with the Ewoks.
Han Solo would be leading a stealth mission through the heavy forest of Endor, Han was tasked with a recon mission trying to find a way into the Imperial Base, as Han would be sneaking through the forest he would hear a snap from a twig, immediately he would quick draw his pistol pointing at the direction of the snap, but nothing happened, it was like something was standing there, but there wasn't anything, as Han would holster his weapon, Boba Fett would be leerking in the bushes. As Han continued he would find his way to the back of the Imperial base and would try to signal the others, but his communication device would suddenly be shot from his hand. Han would quickly draw his blaster and return fire at the tree from which the blast came from blaster bolts would hit the tree where Boba was standing, Fett thought " Best not to underestimate him" suddenly Fetts jetpack would ignite and he would be sending a wrist rocket at Han. Han Solo would suddenly dive showing his instinct from previous combat experience and dodge the blast of the rocket, but he couldn't rest for long because immediately after his roll he would be dodging more blaster fire from Fett, much to Fetts surprise he would be impressed by the skills of the smuggler. " Guess ill have to burn him out" Fett would ignite his flamethrower and cause fire to the forest, this would result in Han rushing his way toward the base and surprising the storm troopers on guard, he would expertly and quickly blast through them and rush inside with some of their thermal detonators, Fett knew Han would try to destroy the instruments inside the base. Quickly Fett would rush in, but his Jet pack would run out of fuel. "I still got 1 good rocket" As Fett rushed in Han would suprise him with a few blaster shots aimed at him. The blaster bolts would miss save 1 that would deflect off Boba Fett's shoulder Armor. Boba would also return fire and hit Han in the Arm as well. With Hans Arm bleeding Boba would track him through the base. Han would be sneaking from corridor to corridor doing his best to silently step, but Boba Fetts helmet contained his 360 degree sensory of Hans every foot step, as Han walked down a dark hallway he would barely see the light shine off of a helmet and suddenly he would dodge again with a blaster bolt jolting past him. Again to the Bounty Hunters surprise a quick shot was made and Fett was hit in the arm, only this time the blaster went between the armor, luckily Fetts special fiber suit would truncate itself around the wound so he would have some minor use of his arm. Fett would bend down and shoot his rocket lighting up the dark corridor, with Han solo exposing himself the hunter and smuggler would be face to face in a quick draw type scenario, as both stared at each other a moment stood still to where one would think that the men shot lighting, both men went falling to the floor, but after a while Boba Fett would stand up and claim his bounty, only his Mandolorian helmet would be badly damaged from Hans DL-44 blaster, Boba would trophy the weapon as his best and most challenging bounty. 

60 Awesome Star Wars Illustrations | From up North

However this is only my opinion so if you enjoyed it consider commenting, and sharing! Thank you everyone!

Here are some links to check out for youtube videos and other articls related to this topic. 


2. Forebs

3. SHDb ( Super Hero Data Base) 

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