Monday, April 9, 2018

Who is the Hunter?

Boba Fett vs The Predator! 

BVP- I would pay large quantities of cash to see this!
Hello there! Welcome to Star Wars Fun Opinions where we talk about verses series normally, but today we are still talking about a verses type series only we are doing it in a story form instead of just comparing statistics of characters. However there will be some of that element inside the story. 

The Greatest Hunt In the Galaxy.
Contenders Boba Fett ( Star Wars ) Predator ( Predator series and Yautja race ).
300a-kashyyyk.png photo by taintedshimmer

Boba Fett is hired to track down and kill a murdering alien species in the jungle land of Kashyyyk. Fett takes the job though he hears the alien rumored to be the Invisible Death. Fett taking this more as thinking the foe is only a sniper, he plans a phase of attack. Fett then decides to blast the Slave one ship into hyperspace towards the world of Kashyyk. At Kashyyk Fett hears more rumors on where the last attacks where, and how the bodies of the victims were mutilated. Fett sets off into the Kashyyyk  jungle to hunt down this killer.  Fett walks slowly and cautiously through the Kashyyyk looking for any sign of movement. Fett both hears and sees nothing due to him not turning on his heat infrared or antenna. Meanwhile the invisible Predator is up in the trees looking down on Fett and decides to try to make this Mandalorian his new trophy. 

Boba Fett vs. The Predator

 Fett Suddenly feels an uneasy feeling and contacts his computer on the Slave 1 ship to get a reading on the environment. The Slave 1 Ship immediately detects a life form above Boba Fett sending him information on the area. With his quick reaction to the data from the ship in Boba’s helmet visor he turns on his Infrared and increases his hearing antenna.  There he sees the Predator in his infrared HUD. The Predator looks down at him wondering if he has been seen or not due to him being invisible. Fett does a quick draw first and shoots his EE-Carbine Rifle hitting the Predator in his leg. The Predator screams its bloody roar and jumps across the trees to try and out flank Boba Fett. Boba Fett ignites his Jet Pack to pursue the Invisible Death. Drawing out his EE-Carbine Rifle Fett fires a barrage of blaster bolts through the trees. While some blaster bolts hit  Predator most of the bolts miss due to the Kashyyk thick jungle. The Predator is leaving behind a blood trail of green blood for Fett to follow. As Fett’s Jet pack is running low he has to land so as not to waste all his fuel in pursuit of the invisible enemy. Fett also loses the blood trail for they seemed to have stopped bleeding. As Fett looks around the area to find a blood trail suddenly a blue like plasma round shoots from the trees and hits Fett right in the chest. This doesn’t kill Fett because his armor takes the damage and his power armor liner passes the damage through the whole body. Fett falls to a knee for a second, but stands back up. The Predator keeps firing rounds from the trees at the Bounty Hunter, but Fett decides to point his jet pack rocket launcher up in the trees and fires. This shot doesn’t hit Predator, but the energy from the explosion causes the predator to fall from the trees and hit the ground, though not hurting him because he can jump that high. Fett stands up after being shot 2 times from the Plasma Cannon on the Aliens shoulder. The Predator with its massive 7 foot body stands up to look down on his opponent, bleeding from its arms and legs. The two are only 20 feet apart. Boba’s EE-Carbine Rifle has been hit from a plasma round. The Predator mounts his shoulder canon back on and aims for Boba, but suddenly Boba shoots his wrist rocket from his Gauntlet to destroy the Shoulder Cannon on Predators shoulder. Due to the explosion on his shoulder the Predators mask is severely damaged along with his shoulder cannon. The Predator decides he has found a worthy advisory, one that he can take the pride in killing with his own hands. Boba sees the Alien take off his mask to revile his quite ugly face. However this doesn’t intimidate Boba Fett. The Predator suddenly pulls out his Glaive and Net. With a mighty hurl he throws the net at Boba Fett, but only to have his net burned by Boba’s wrist flame thrower. The alien charges the bounty hunter while throwing the net and closes the distance. His Glaive and Wrist blades ready for combat. Boba’s incredible reaction time quickly dodges the incoming stab from the wrist blades of the Predator and pulls out his vibro blades from his right wrist gauntlet to deflect the glaive attack. Boba Fett attempts a kick to the Predators stomach, but is met with barely a budge. The Predator looks at Boba Fett with a prideful look and power punches the bounty hunter in a show of might. Boba Fett is knocked back 10 feet staggered, but shakes it off and thinks quickly as the Alien is charging in. Boba Fett lifts up his left Gauntlet and fires his Dur-24 wrist launcher into the Predators stomach. This makes direct contact with the Alien and he is knocked down to one knee. Now as both he and Boba Fett stand up to face each other. The Alien in its sheer might charges again at Boba Fett, but before it could reach Boba Fett. Fett activates his jet pack again while upholstering his Sacros K-11 Pistol. He fires a few rounds into the Predator, but again the might of the Alien proves powerful as Predator cocks back his arm and throws the Glaive. The Glaive spear misses Boba’s head, but hits his jet pack. The jet pack sends the bounty hunter flying into a tree. Fett hits the ground from the impact with broken ribs, and internal bleeding, but luckily smoke from the jet pack covers a 10 foot gape. The Predator uses its natural infrared vision to barely see the wounded bounty hunter in the smoke and charges at him with his wrist blades out ready to claim his trophy. As the Predator stabs at the Mandalorian, a flash of green light appears from the smoke and suddenly the Aliens arms are seen flying off with. The Predator lets out a bloody roar. As the beast screams in disbelief and agony Boba Fett rises from the smoke and decapitates the Predator with his collected lightsaber, giving the predator no time to activate his self-destruct bomb. The Bounty Hunter has won. He truly is the best hunter in the Galaxy, but only by experience. 

The Winner: 

When an artist mixes two science fiction franchises like Star Wars and Predator, I'd have bet good money that the resulting piece would include Arnold Schwarzenegger in some way. The possibilities are seemingly endless: something titled "SchwarzeVader" instantly comes to mind, but I could easily imagine a piece of fan art that reimagines Arnold as a comical C-3PO or a ripped Luke Skywalker. But artist JP Valderrama (via XombieDirge) had something different in mind: a meeting of bounty ...

The verdict reasoning: Although the Preditor had a superior physical ability and endurance, Fett never goes into a fight without his equipment and yes even a lightsaber, the thing is Fett has hunted and killed Jedi before so not only does he collect Jedi braids, but it is likely he has collected the Lightsabers as well as a trophy type weapon, but it is seen in the comics he does briefly fight Darth Vader for a short period with a Lightsaber he collected. This shows Fetts abilities to fight opponents far above his level. Predator had the offensive and physical ability, but in this fight Fett had the skills to combat, the equipment to out put, and the element of surprise to leave the predator who is more honor based vulnerable and can be tricked into surprise attacks. 

However this is my opinion and short story for who would win, what do you think of the Story? Leave a comment below and like if you enjoyed it! Til next time have a great day! 

To see more videos and things related to this topic check out these 3 suggestions. 

1. Dream Battles
2. Seaich Films 
3. Epic Verses 

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