Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The Chosen One vs A New Hope

Anakin Vs Luke SkyWalker 

Anakin's Essence by JaytheForceSensitive on DeviantArt
Anakin vs Luke, The Chosen one vs A New Hope. The Skywalkers, Star Wars most famous name in the universe.  The famous name only to the most powerful force users in the entire galaxy.
Hello my Name is Russell Ricketts and today I am going to be comparing The Skywalkers against each other in a fight on who would win in a duel. 

On a quick note I am not going to be using The Dark Suited Lord Vader, but only in moments when Anakin taps into Darth Vaders Power as a normal Jedi Human. Yes they are considered two people in cannon and even Darth Vader admits Anakin is different from himself, but the only aspect of Vader we will see with Anakin is by his time at the end of Episode 3 and Luke by the time of Episode 6.

Round 1 Physical Abilities 

   Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker from Star Wars Return Of The Jedi         VS           The Chosen One

Anakin: A young 23 year old male who was athletically built and physically strong, Anakin had a high pain tolerance that could keep him fighting and usually he uses his overwhelming strength and speed against his opponents. Anakin is known for his long winded endurance, an example of this would be during his fight with Obi Wan Kenobi on Mustafar, he gives a great amount of effort of constant onslaught assaults showing his speed, acrobatics, strength and will power to try and break through the enemy guard. Anakin is also seen time and time again fighting through constant pain, like his battle with Count Dooku on Naboo when Magna guards kept using their electro staffs on Anakin while fighting the Count. However Anakin does has a limitation on his pain because in the same fight he was shocked enough by Dooku to lose consciousness. However make no mistake, Anakin is a very fit and capable warrior and it would take more than a couple hard hits to put him down physically especially with his type of will power. In short Anakin is the person who wont stop until he succeeds or dies trying.

Luke: A Strong fit male who is slower than Anakin, but is a little more stronger. This would make Luke be able to match Anakins physical assaults, and Luke has some good endurance on his side with his personal training from Yoda, despite his late start to training Luke is a capable fit human who trains really hard to be able to contend with other duelist. Luke from episode 6 has trained a lot harder over the last 2 years from his encounter with Vader with Yoda learning more abilities in his physical powerless and force abilities. An example of Lukes improvement physically is the comparison when he gets knocked on his ass from Vader in the first fight compared to when he is able to meet Darth Vaders cyborgs strength with his own. Not to mention Luke had a good tenancy and natural ability with force jumps and flips, he was very acrobatic in an evasive nature, not an attacking one. This means Luke is well conditioned for facing off against opponents and having a good endurance on his side. Luke is also the type of person who would much rather go on the defensive fight and be conditioned for marathon fights as well just like Anakin. 

Winner on Scale to 10: Anakin 5/ Luke 5

Round 2 Dueling Abilities 

Still of Mark Hamill (Holy Crap he is 61 Years old - SIXTY ONE) in Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi  VS     Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars. Saddest back story ever

The Chosen One, This was Anakin's home field, he was a greatly gifted duelist, one would even say Legendary and was considered by the Jedi Order to be their greatest warrior. Anakin was a Form V ( 5 ) Specialist, He was considered a top tier Master Leveled duelist only to be rivaled by the galaxies best. Anakin has fought many of the most dangerous types of duelist in the galaxy such as: Asajj Ventress, Magna Guards, The Son, Cin Draleq ( A Jedi Battle Master ), Count Dooku, other Jedi knights, and Obi Wan Kenobi. Anakin was also able to rival Mace Windu if he could face off with Dooku. That also means Anakin can fight Yoda as well. Anakin has many combat experiences and is a well trained duelist almost perfecting his Form V (5) of Djem So, with some acrobatic abilities and flourishes of Form IV ( 4) Ataru. If anything it only means Anakin is a top tier duelist who has great experience and knows what he is doing when it comes to a duel. He is likely to always engage in a Lightsaber duel if he can. Anakin has many hours of combat experience in the number of hundreds if not thousands of sparring hours with Obi Wan Kenobi and experience from the Clone Wars to improve his skills vastly. Anakin was a fighting machine with his 3 years of combat experience from the clone wars, in fact he was so talented in his abilities he was able to out fight Count Dooku ( A Highly renounced top 4 swordsman at the time ), when he attacked the Jedi Temple he was able to fight the battle master Cin Draleq with one hand while chocking another Jedi, not many Jedi or Sith can claim that. Finally he was able to be in a long intense marathon fight with another top great swordsman Obi Wan Kenobi, though Anakin didn't win against Obi Wan, he managed to show how deadly he was.   

Strengths: Anakin is the type of swordsman who would rush his opponents with a flurry of quick strikes with strength and speed, but they were not short burst of strikes, they were in fact long engaged attacks keeping the opponent on the defensive most of the time, but Anakins style also had a great defensive capability as well offering parries and counter strikes if ever pushed back on the defensive. Anakin also made use of some Acrobatic abilities and punching and kicking within his style. He was highly conditioned to give a high energy output for a marathon battle. Anakin was also the type that his will power will overcompensate for his short comings.

Weakness: Anakin is very direct and forward when it comes to duels, leaving him more open to physical strikes and even to the point Anakin can become tunnel visioned. Despite Anakins impressive onslaughts of attacks he is most weakest when it comes to defensive abilities, not to say his defensive abilities are lacking because he would often use parries and counter strikes in his sequences, but that is just it, Anakin needs to be on the offense more in order to be more effective against his opponents. Anakin also because of his will power and directness is more of a head strong type and if he is frustrated he might cause some small mistakes that could end his life, his will power is like a double edged sword, it can either break or make him.

The New Hope, Luke was the son of The Chosen One, he was very gifted naturally in the force and its abilities, by the time of episode 6 Luke was renounced as a skilled duelist with his victory over Darth Vader. Luke's experience he was considered a Prodigy swordsman with how quickly he picked up on the Forms, Luke was also a practitioner with Form V (5) Djem So, as well as Form III Soresu and Form I Shii Cho, as well he practiced his acrobatics from Form IV (4) Ataru, this was taught to him by Obi Wan and Yoda combined along with Obi Wan Kenobis Journal. This gave a good foundation of knowledge for Luke, but Luke only had a few duels in his time and most of the use of his lightsaber was to deflect blaster fire. When it came to his first encounter with Vader Luke was sloppy in his form and unbalanced, impatient, anxious. The complete opposite happened when it came to Episode 6, Luke was more planted, balanced, focused, confident, and skilled. He was able to go toe to toe with Darth Vader who was considered a more tactical duelist instead of an aggressive one, this is an impressive feat, for many Jedi who faced Vader they would fall to his Crimson Blade, but the Only Jedi to fight Vader and Live are Luke Skywalker and his Mentor Obi Wan Kenobi.     

Strengths: Luke is a very indirect combatant, he is evasive rather than head strong by the time of EP 6, Luke has learned from Obi Wan Kenobi who is more defensive instead of offensive, but that isnt to say Luke can return some flourishes of his own. Luke also depends on his evasive ways to tire out opponents, his Form IV Ataru helps him evade incoming attacks and gives him openings to present his own attacks as well, Luke is even seen at one point kicking Darth Vader down a row of stairs because of the Form IV training. Luke as you would guess by now is a learned hand in more than 1 form, but he hasnt mastered any of them yet and has strong foundation knowledge of the forms.

Weakness: Luke doesn't have the offensive onslaught he needs to break through a capable duelist form, let alone he may have knowledge of more than 1 form, but that is it he has no mastery of any other forms so he can be out matched by a more skilled duelist, hence Lukes Evasiveness. Lukes form and experience were not as long as Anakins in combat or as controlled, in fact Lukes victory over Vader is credited because Luke had to use the Dark Side of the force to defeat Vader only because Lukes sister Leia was threatened to be turned to The Dark Side. In this fight that wouldn't happen, Anakin would give Luke no prompting to turn to the Dark Side or threaten Luke's sister with it. 

Winner on Scale to 10: Anakin 6/Luke 4

Round 3 Tactics & Approach 

ANAKIN SKYWALKER.  Nothing more to be said.  VS      Mirror image: Owen dresses in the costume made famous by Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker

Anakin: Anakin was regarded as being one of the top Generals in the Clone Wars, he was brave, bold, and took risk. Anakin was never afraid to try the more direct approach, but was capable of using an in direct approach as well, but it wasn't his strong suit. Anakin also was a direct combatant with his duels as well as focused and determined, he would use his physical abilities to their best advantage and overwhelm his opponents. Anakin had good area awareness when he wasnt tunnel visioned, he made good use of just adapting to the situation. Anakin has fought against the most successful duelist who use tactics such as Count Dooku, Obi Wan Kenobi, and Asajj Ventress. Luke is smart enough to combat against a direct attacker like Vader in the early fight on the 2nd Death Star, but at a faster paced and more skilled opponent Luke would be caused to evade as he normally does putting Luke in his home field, but not giving him a decisive advantage.

Luke: Luke was regarded as a good tactic mind, he often was aware of his surroundings, made contingency plans like his battle with Jabba the Hutt, and could think on the fly like his father. He was considered more evasive which gave him time to be talk down to his opponents, re-think a plan or attack, and often was calm and level headed in the moment. However, Lukes experience is nothing to out match Anakins own Tactics. However it would make Anakin be put to his back foot. 

Winner on Scale of 10: Anakin 5/ Luke 5

Round 4 Force Powers

turning against Padme; The part where the tears come VS   I got: Green Historically, green-bladed lightsabers were the mark of the Jedi Consular. Wielders of green-bladed sabers are generally more diplomatic, and only rely on physical confrontation as a last resort. Jedi that use green-bladed lightsabers tend to

Anakin: When Anakin would use the force he would often use strong force pushes and pulls, but most of the time he augmented himself in his physical abilities with the use of the force. He focused more on Lightsaber Combat rather than force abilities, however that isnt to say Anakin was unskilled in his force ability. Anakin also made use of his acrobatics with the force as well as the famous move Force Choke.  

Luke: Though not as powerful as his father Anakin, Luke trusted the force and used small pushes and pulls never overextending his powers, this in turn would cause his enemies to loosen their form, but not enough to make a decisive victory. Luke had an ability called Shatter point, which was a force ability used to find a persons weakness and take advantage of it. In this case Anakins robotic hand would be this type of weakness to Luke. Again Luke trusted his abilities in the force and also attributed the powers to his physical body as well. 

Winner on Scale of 10: Anakin 6/Luke 4

The Battle Scenario 

Darth Vader Prepares to Duel Luke Skywalker in the Carbonite Freezing Chamber on Cloud City, Bespin.
Luke Vs Anakin in Bespin ( Reference Luke vs. Vader) 

The Early Battle

This battle would take place on the mining planet of Bespin, where Luke and Vader had their first duel. The two would meet in the freezing chamber in a cool blue hued room. As they would approach each other Anakin would sense a power from Luke stating " You are powerful, but You are not a Jedi yet." Anakin would be the first to draw his lightsaber and attack while Luke went onto the defensive. As Anakin continued his onslaught blow for blow this would cause Luke to remain on the defensive ( Much like the beginning of Obi Wans and Darth Vaders fight in episode 3 on the platform.) As the onslaught happened Luke would do an evading flip over Anakin surprising him with the use of Ataru, Luke would say " You'll find I'm full of surprises " then Luke would begin a flourish of his own Attacks, but not over reaching himself and always being ready to be back on the defensive. Though this would stagger Anakin back a little he would be more familiar with the style of Djem So and counter it with his more experienced skills to the form thus causing Luke to go back on the defensive. 

The Middle Ground

As the two would battle on Luke would find slight openings on Anakin to give a punch or kick, but Lukes form was also unrefined as well leaving him more open to punches and kicks as well. The two would exchange a few blow for blow punches and kicks, but resulting in no where. As the fight continues Luke would begin to evade more and more and finally land a slight glancing strike across Anakins cheek. This would make Anakin Angry, As Anakin would be taken back by this Luke would conceal himself in the shadows. Anakin would search for him, as Anakin searched Luke would then jump out to surprise Anakin with an attack, but this would be no surprise to Anakin given his experience from the Clone Wars on ambushes and other more experienced duelist. As Luke would make a failed attempt of a surprise attack he would be met with Anakin being more angry and focused this would result in Anakin using the force to Force Choke Luke and then send him hurling into the wall with a force push. However, Luke would stand up and give a force push back of his own making Anakin fall backwards into a wall. Luke would make use of the ability Shatter Point and malfunction Anakins Robotic hand causing it to be disabled. The thoughts would run through Anakins mind of losing his love Padme to death if he wasnt alive to save her, Anakin would begin to feel the hate swell inside of him at the idea of leaving Padme alone. 

The High Ground

Luke would engage in an attack against the chosen one, but would be surprisingly stopped to see he would be fighting a much more focused and Darker being than Anakin, he was fighting a human form of Darth Vader. Anakin would use these Dark abilities and focus to ignore his damaged hand and begin an even more aggressive fighting form to put Luke back on defense, though this would make Anakin more prone to a counter strike, Luke also knows he must keep his guard up at all times otherwise he will fall. Luke would be calm headed in this engagement and look for an opening, but pressed extremely hard unable to react. Luke would then see Anakin have a slight opening and try to take it, but then suddenly he would feel a robotic hand grab his lightsaber with a iron grip " You underestimate my power". In an instant both of Lukes hands would be on the floor. With Luke falling to his knees Anakin would stand over him lightsaber at the ready and he would decapitate Luke. Thus ending the fight between The Chosen One and A New Hope. 

Alternative ending: 

Lukes attacks Anakin with a broken robotic hand successfully and manages to overpower a one handed Anakin resulting in the loss of Anakins other limbs, but leaving him alive.

Anakin Takes the Victory 6 out of 10 times 

Closing Thoughts 

The way I saw this fight ending was by a lightsaber duel because it would start that way and eventually end that way as well. Although this was a good fight it was simply that a good fight, Luke is said to beat Darth Vader who is a better duelist than Luke, but Vader was holding back and not wanting to kill Luke entirely and didn't have his hate and Luke didn't want to kill Vader, but Luke couldn't have beaten Vader unless he would have tapped in the dark side. In this instance Luke doesn't have the Dark side to tap into because Anakin gives him no reason to, but the fear of dying and not seeing someone you love is plenty of fuel for the Dark side and Anakin made use of it to tap into his dark side abilities. Luke just wasn't prepared for that, the battle would end like a mix of Lukes and Vaders battle on the second Death Star only switched roles and the ending of Anakins and Count Dookus battle on the Invisible hand. 

Personal Thoughts through experience

Being a person who has had 15+ years of experience in swordplay, a student who learns a Form for 3 years does not beat a student who's learned for 10 years, not saying it doesn't happen, but its unlikely. The same circumstance can be said for Luke and Anakin they have the same form with some mixture of other forms, but Anakin is more battlehardend and experienced in these forms than Luke is, especially when it comes to lightsaber to lightsaber duels. In this case Luke is outmatched when fighting a super aggressive opponent like Anakin. Not only is Luke able to not put out Anakins offense abilities, but his defense abilities would also be only enough to keep Anakin at bay only for a while, Luke was no Obi Wan  Kenobi when it came to defense so that is why it came to evading. However this would be an amazing fight to watch and witness of course this is only my opinion on the matter of who would win, but let me know what you think. Thanks for reading and have a great day!

Again here are some other links when comparing the two and I hope you enjoy them! 

1. Antonio Bendele 

2. NET Allience 

3. Star Wars Theory 

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