Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Rey vs General Grievous

The Awakening vs The Jedi Hunter








The Awakening vs The Jedi Hunter 

The Awakening
Rey: A young athletic female human who is relatively new to the force, but shows promising potential to become powerful. She is a character who has a mysterious back ground story and grew up on the dessert planet of Jakku. Rey is learning how to become a Jedi much like Luke, but she show cases a natural nack for Force Powers as well as a quick ability in learning some Lightsaber Techniques. Rey is found by a BB8 unit on the planet of Jakku that pulls her into the Star Wars Story and she shows that she was a survivor on the planet by constantly scavaging as well as being capable of defending herself against a couple of thugs on the planet. Later as she runs into Han Solo and Chewbacca she goes on a journey to help the Resistance. Because she is traveling with Han Solo she goes to a planet by the name of Takodana, there she goes inside the palaces basement and discovers the original Skywalker Lightsaber, by doing this the Lightsaber acts as a holocron type ( A magical information tool, its like a magic book that provides instant knowledge.) By touching the Skywalker Lightsaber she gained a vision of many different types of events in the history of Star Wars. With a Force Ghost of Kenobi saying " Rey these are your first steps". By this happening Rey awoke her Force Powers and the natural Jedi heritage she has. During this time the palace came under attack by the First Order and Kylo Ren. She engaged Kylo Ren for a short time before being knocked out by a force ability and taken to Star Killer Base. There she was interrogated by Kylo Ren and was able to resist his interrogation mind read tactic and rather read his mind instead, this confused the Dark figure and he left in frustration, shortly after she did a Jedi mind trick against a Storm Trooper who loosened her restraints and she snuck through the Star Killer base only to be found by Finn. As her and Finn snuck through the base they witnessed Han Solo being killed by Kylo Ren aka Ben Solo ( Hans son ). This broke Reys heart as she saw Han as a father figure she didn't have, but tears would have to wait because shortly after she and Finn had to face off against a wounded Kylo Ren by Chewies Bowcaster. Rey initially got force pushed into a tree and was knocked out by Kylo Ren again only later to obtain conscious and use a Force Pull to then engage in a lightsaber duel with Kylo Ren. Rey was more of a defensive fighter at first, but later went on the offensive to gain a victory over a defeated Kylo Ren, she later appears in The Last Jedi and undergoes some training from Luke Skywalker, but he comments her ability in the force is natural and strong and she only has a few lessons given. She works on some of her lightsaber skills a little and force abilities, but during her stay she keeps having mind connections with Kylo Ren and she questions who Luke is, the two engage in a short fight and Rey "wins" However this is Luke just not wanting to fight. Rey later leaves the island to help save her friends. As she leaves she gives herself up to the First Order to be brought before the Dark Figurehead Supreme Leader Snoke. Rey tries to engage against Supreme Leader, but she is utterly rag dolled in the force and is put before Kylo Ren for execution, but Kylo Ren betrays his master and helps free Rey and the two engage against the Supreme Leaders royal and trusted Praetorian Guards. Though Rey sustains a small injury from a highly trained royal guard, her and Kylo Ren manage to eliminate all 8 of them. It was a 2 on 8 fight. After Kylo and Rey have their differences and she ship is blown up, Rey manages to escape back to the planet of Crait. When she arrives she uses the Force to lift up a land slide of boulders to save her friends and the resistance. She is last seen talking with Princess Leia. In short Rey is a natural gifted force user, combatant, but there is more to come hopefully. 

General Grievous: The infamous and feared Jedi Hunter General Grievous was a Cyborg General of the Droid Army in the Clone Wars. The General was considered a great and powerful warrior able to contend with Jedi Master leveled Jedi despite having no force powers. The General was once a Kalish Alien leader who was considered a God by this people due to his great war abilities. The General earned his name because his wife was killed in action and he was grieving for her, hence the name General Grievous. While going to seek aid for his people Count Dooku sabotaged the Generals ship and blew it up, but managed to save Grievous's body in the process and had him completely rebuilt. The only thing that remained of Grievousness's body was his organs, as well as brain and some eye tissue. The General was rebuilt to have natural enhanced reflexes to keep up with the Jedi as well as he was programmed to know all 7 Lightsaber forms in an instant. Imagine having instant knowledge of all Lightsaber forms and having a brain chip calculate when to use what form.  However having this information was helpful, but there was more needing to be done then just having it. Count Dooku ( One of the top swordsmen at the time ) trained General Grievous in secret for many hours in the amount of hundreds. Dooku always telling the General if he was to have a chance against Jedi, he would need fear, intimidation, surprise, and unorthodox attacks on his side. The General would make great use of this in his battles to come against Jedi. Through the Clone Wars, The General has been seen many times engaging with Jedi and usually overpowering, overwhelming, or giving close calls to powerful beings. In his victories Grievous would collect the lightsabers of his fallen victims and claim them and trophies from his kills. Grievous has at least 10 Lightsabers. General Grievousness main rival in the Clone Wars was Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi. Eventually the two had a final duel on the planet Utapau. Kenobi victorious. 

Round 1: Physical Abilities

General Grievous, one of my favorite Star Wars villains.                VS     Star Wars 7 The Force Awakens Rey Standup - 6' Tall from BirthdayExpress.com

Rey: Rey is a well built and athletic human female who has a strong sense of will and decent endurance. She normally trains hard and extensively in her Staff abilities and then trained in light saber combat training hinting she has more of a Jedi Guardian type. Jedi Guardians are what Anakin and Obi Wan Kenobi are, they are beings who focus more on their physical bodies and basic force attacks rather than force powers, but Rey use of the force is in her reflex as well as more un combative, but more on that later. However, Rey has good strength to her able to out muscle a wounded Kylo Ren who was using his pain to fuel his Dark Side as well she has good endurance to have a pretty long duel. However, she does have a limit on her physical endurance, my examples are her being able to be knocked out by simple knock out powers. In short Rey is a capable combatant who shoes promise if she shows more refinement.

Strengths: Has good formidable strength to hold against a physically stronger opponent like Kylo Ren, Decent endurance to help fight 8 Praetorian Guards, fast reflexes.

Weakness: Rey does have a physical limit to where she can be knocked out by a powerful blow, though she has a heart that will keep her fighting, she can be over powered.

General Grievous: General Grievous is a cyborg which means he has enhanced strength and speed that of super humans aka Jedi strength and speed, but more on the faster and powerful side. Because General Grievous is a cyborg and he as cybernetic body he doesnt tire, which means he can give an unlimited output of onslaught attacks and not be tired, the General is so fast that he can dodge force base attacks and close the distance quick on his opponents resorting them to Lightsaber combat. The Generals body is also made of DuraSteel which is strong enough to resist light placed Lightsaber strikes making him a walking fighting speedy humanoid tank. The General is also enhanced with Jedi type reflexes as well as the General is pretty finesse when he needs to be. The General also has 4 arms he cause use at his disposal in case one gets hacked off, but regardless The General will always be in the fight til the end.

Strengths: The General has many strengths in this category, from never tiring, to having quick enough reflexes to keep up with Jedi Master leveled duelist,   having superior strength over most Jedi and Sith, having superior speed where the fastest Jedi have a challenging time keeping up. In short General Grievous is a battle machine always ready to fight.

Weakness: There are no real weaknesses to General Greivous's body, despite he only has a few organs and small amounts of tissue and he coughs alot, his body allows him to perform in top condition all the time. 

Winner by Scale of 10: Grievous: 7 Rey: 3

Round 2: Duelist Abilities

Rey by erlanarya. #StarWars #Art #gosstudio .★ We recommend Gift Shop: http://gosstudio.com      VS         

Rey is seen in TFA and TLJ dueling with her Lightsaber and staff to enemies and people who would be considered as fairly impressive. My main example is she bested Kylo Ren in a duel on Star Killer Base and held her own, she is seen at her beginning beating up street thugs with her staff as well as she trains often with that staff. In The Last Jedi she is seen taking on Praetorian Guards who are highly trained like General Grievous's Magna Guards, but she out best them as well, but not without taking injury. Rey shows some competence skills in her Lightsaber abilities, being able to put up a defense against Kylo Rens strikes as well as when she had the opportunity she took an offensive of her own against a exhausted, emotionally torn, and wounded Kylo Ren. However, despite all of these types of physical and emotional influences on Kylo Ren he was using his pain to fuel his Darkside rage to combat Rey. Rey has a small sparring match with Luke and technically " Won".

Strengths: Rey has a compressible understanding of combat and has been exposed to it before, she shows that with training she can be promising and powerful. She is able to contend with other Lightsaber wielding foes along with Highly Trained soldiers. Her staff abilities are experienced as well as good formed (If she had a double bladed Lightsaber she would be much more powerful, but alas she doesnt ). However we do see her being able to take on multiple opponents at once who are soldiers and dessert thugs, and she is willing to spar against Grand Master Luke Skywalker. From estimations Reys lightsaber forms are unrefined versions of Form III Soresu on the defense, and mix of Form I Shii Cho & Form II Makashi for the offense, the reason for this is she takes alot of stabs from inexperience, but Makashi focuses on piercing techniques, where as her power strikes come from Shii Cho.

Weakness: Despite her understanding of combat, she lacks a lot of training and experience when it comes to higher skilled Lightsaber duelist and combatants. Rey also relies a lot on her staff, but not enough on her Lightsaber skills, though some argue the skills would transfer allow me to say that is untrue, though some skills may transfer over, not all skills do. Fighting Bo Staff to then switch to Sword is completely different principles and focuses and practice along with form. Rey is good enough to hold her own, but she is unrefined. If anything Rey is a newbie who has new founded powers in raw ability, raw ability is not skill just raw potential granted how powerful that may be. Rey has great potential to become a great swordswoman that can contend with skilled duelist, but she is not on that level yet. Sparring matches are only sparring matches, in which she was disarmed by Luke, thus having her pull a lethal weapon only to get the upper hand against a stick wielding Luke. If Rey were to contend with Luke in an actual Lightsaber duel she would be completely outclassed and quickly dealt with by way of disarming again or losing a limb to a more experienced Lightsaber wielder.  

Trained by the famous swordsman Count Dooku, Grievous was taught to be unorthodox as well have a high skill in all 7 Lightsaber forms. General Grievous has the skill and experience to be considered a Master Leveled swordsman on Jedi Master Level duelist. The General has had many experiences in fighting clones, other alien races, and of course Jedi. Here are some list of his accomplished fights from greatest powers to least.

1.  Master level/ Sith Lord: Count Dooku, Obi Wan, Kit Fisto, Mace Windu, Eeth Koth, Ala Secura, Shak Tii, Ki Adi Mundi, Darth Maul ( briefly )
2.Jedi Knight/Sith Apprentice: Asajj Ventress, Nahdar Vebb, Roron Corobb, Foul Moudama, Daakman Barrek,
3. Padowan/ Jedi: Ashoka Tano, Sha'a Gi, Tarr Seirr, and much more
4. Arc Troopers
5. Normal Clone Troopers/ Basic military units

The point of this is that Grievous is shown to be really proficient with dueling and has great experience against powerful beings and foes, he is very combat hardened and highly trained enough that he took on groups of Jedi at a time, not just one or two, but groups of high trained Jedi. General Grievous because he has 4 arms can wield 4 Lightsabers at the same time with complete control without damaging himself. Not only this, but the General usually overwhelms his opponents with his onslaught of attacks breaking peoples defensive barriers as well as he can have a devastating onslaught of attacks that makes it perfect for opponents who try to out offense Grievous. This is why the Jedi Council sent Obi Wan Kenobi, because it was near impossible to take an offensive approach against the general, hence why they sent the perfect master of defensive combat. Only the best swordsmen would be able to out duel Grievous. Despite Grevious's successes and experiences, most of his Master Level Jedi he has fought has either beaten him and he escaped or  came to a draw. He only beat one Jedi Master, but it was with the help of his Magna Guards as well. However despite the use of his Magna guards, General Grievous would be able combat Jedi on his own.

Strengths: Grievous is a very renounced swordsman of is time and has the title Jedi Hunter for a reason. He has enhanced abilities and high skill in being trained in Lightsaber combat as well he has a great amount of experience against a huge amount of opponents. General Grievous is the only non force sensitive to successfully engage in Lightsaber combat with Jedi and win. His training and unorthodox style mixed with his never tiring super human cyborg body is a complete devastation against most duelist.

Weakness: The General usually is very prideful and arrogant in his abilities and sometimes underestimates his opponents leaving himself wide open for attacks. The General also puts such a high out put of offense to simply overwhelm his opponents, but if he is stopped in his tracks he usually losses his momentum of the battle. Again if the General doesnt have one of his elements in his battle it could cost him his life, of course this is only a worry against Master Leveled and high skilled Jedi Knights.  

Winner by Scale of 10: Grievous 9 Rey: 1

Round 3: Tactics

         Star Wars: A New Hope by techgnotic on deviantART  VS  Star Wars: The Force Awakens || Rey

Rey is normally thinking on her feet when it comes to dealing with adversity. Though not all of her plans work, there are times she shows that she is clever in her abilities to critically think. Rey is no battle tactician in fact she is a lot like Anakin in ways where she is very direct and straight forward. Much like when she charged at Supreme Leader Snoke and was Force Rag dolled. Or when she directly faced Kylo Ren in an initiate offensive assault due to her inexperience, when she realized that she couldn't mount a successful attack she immediately went on the retreat and defensive position evading for most of the fight. However, once the force kicked in her abilities she became more confident and powerful and was able to mount an offense against Kylo Ren and in her battle of Praetorian guards she was able to fight multiple opponents at once showing she had comfort in a fight at that point.  

Stength: Rey is a brave woman who will rise to the challenge of those she faces, she sometimes rushes in, but can quickly realize what works and what doesn't. This is important in a fight when it comes to dueling. Rey is also good at leading her opponents to desirable locations for her own safety. 

Weakness: Much like Anakin Skywalker, Rey is very direct and aggressive at first due to an inexperience she is trying to a get a one shot blow at first. However if this fails it leaves her very vulnerable. Just like her initiative in the Kylo Ren she struck first, but was quickly pushed back on her defense. If Rey isnt careful and doesnt think through her direct actions it could very well cost her life.  

The General was a brilliant tactic mind when it came to battle and war, many regarded him as a legendary leader when it came to fighting his opponents not only be conventional military on military force, but as a duelist as well. General Grievous was a master of using fear and intimidation as well as surprise when facing his opponents. This would cause someone to lose their moral during a fight thus leaving them vulnerable for his onslaught of attacks. General Grievous as well is very bold and fearless when it comes to initiating an assault, but the big difference between him and Rey is that if Grievous takes an initial attack he can back it up with experience and onslaught causing more duelist to on their back foot and defend giving him momentum. Grievous will normally initiate a duel with only 2 arms and 2 light sabers causing the opponent to fall into a false sense of security, but much like his battle with Roron Corobb and Foul Moudama he engaged with only 2 blades at once letting them fall into the false sense, but then once he detached his arms to make 4 arms he surprised them and quickly cut through them. The General took Count Dooku's lessons of dueling to heart and applied them as often as he can making him a brilliant tactician. 

Strengths: Grievous usually plays mind games with his opponents. He enjoys breaking moral and having fear on his side. The General is smart by letting people fall into the false sense of security, but then overwhelming them with a brutal and vicious onslaught. In short he is nothing less than brilliant. He knows how to manipulate a fight to his advantages. 

Weakness: General Grievous is only bested by those who can out think his tactic mind such as Obi Wan Kenobi, Kit Fisto, Count Dooku, and Mace Windu. Also if Grievous's momentum is stopped it normally leads to him pulling a retreat against his opponents or leaving him unable to perform to his fullest ability simply because he cant match against the person out witting him. 

Winner by Scale of 10: Grievous: 8 Rey 2

Round 4: Force Abilities vs Training against The Force

Cartoons And Heroes — spyrale:     Eddie Holly Artist of the Week - Jeff Carlisle

Rey is a naturally gifted Force user who is very promising in being powerful in the Force. She pulls off feats that are quite impressive when it comes to levitating objects, mind games, as well as force pull. She also uses the force in order to help guide her in her combat sequences hence explaining some of her feats with combat. 

Strengths: Sense Rey has a lot of force potential we see her using incredible abilities that would take most Jedi years to learn, she is a natural prodigy, but her feats are nothing really impressive compared to other powerful force users. It is only impressive with how quickly she learns abilities. However, if she has enough training and time she can become one of the most powerful force users in the Star Wars universe.   

Weakness: Although her force potential and abilities are impressive she lacks for any combat abilities in the force, she wouldn't be bale to use a mind trick on Grievous because of his Alien race let alone his intelligence and strong will. Grievous would also be able to block out her mind reading because he is so focused on hate that is all she would find is pure rage. 

General Grievous again has no force powers what so ever. He is Forceless, but that does not mean he is completely helpless against the use of The Force against him. He was trained by Count Dooku on how to dodge and maneuver around the force and its powerful abilities, only catching him off guard with a force push or power is what will make him lose focus. However, General Grievous has gone up against many powerful Force Wielders who used their advance techniques on him, but he managed to quickly recover or evade the incoming attacks, also he has clawed very powerful cyborg legs and feet that allow him to be planted to the ground at all times if he wishes. He was once pushed by a dragon breath force ability capable of sending hundreds of battle droids flying, but Grievous stood and even advanced through the maximized force push. However, if someone is deadly and quick enough to use Force Crush it would take a high powerful Jedi to collapse Grievous's chest cavity. 

Strengths: General Grievous was trained by Dooku to be a effective combatant against force wielders, either by evasion or tanking a hit. Grievous has learned how to battle the force from his cybernetics. 

Weakness: If caught off guard he could be sent flying into trees or wherever, someone just has to get the surprise on him. 

Winner by Scale of 10:  Grievous: 6 Rey: 4

The Battle Scenario:

Mike Nesbitt. Forever one of my favorite pieces of SWTFA fanart!!
Kylo Vs Rey on Star Killer Base Forest ( General Grievous vs Rey here )

The Awakening vs The Jedi Hunter 
A cold wind would blow though the night on the snow covered trees on Star Killer Base. Rey would be in search for her ship, but suddenly she would see a tall Dark figure in a Black shrouded cape standing only a few hundred feet away from her. To Rey's curiosity she would wait to see what the figure would do. In her mind, thoughts would race as to what the figure was. "Was it watching her this whole time?" "What was it?" "Or rather was she being hunted?" filled with worry and fear Rey would Ignite her Lightsaber ready for an attack, her blade would ignite, but the figures cape would be flying through the air, and disappear. Rey would slowly walk through the forest glancing all around each tree and usually looking above her head to see if anything would move. Not being able to see anything in the snow storm all Rey could hear was raspy breathing and occasionally a robotic cough. Grasping her Lightsaber tighter she would be ready for anything that came her way, but suddenly she could hear foot steps, not like any other normal human foot steps, big heavy and metal clanging foot steps, it was close, but unseen and where? Suddenly a giant white figure would descend from the trees causing Rey to dashed forward and evade the crushing attack. As the figure hit the ground with its massive weight a giant snow cloud would rushed up in the air suddenly colored with blue and green lights flashing toward Rey, Glowing Yellow eyes would pierce through the Snow cloud stating in a evil robotic voice: "I am have come to bring your death Jedi, for I am General Grievous, The Greatest Jedi Killer in the Galaxy". Rey was frozen with fright for she has never seen a creature like this before, it was not man or alien, but a Cyborg with 2 Lightsabers. Grievous would begin his onslaught of his assault causing Rey to go on the defensive and block a few strikes, However Rey would quickly recognize she was needing to run away instead of stand and fight. She would be dodging and evading through trees with a constant slashing of the forest being cut down around her, tree and tree would fall with snow cloud after snow cloud rising, but still with the flashes of blue and green lights twirling about them. Grievous would be on the chase and pursuit of the fight. Rey would stand ready to fight Grievous, as the Cyborg General approached her she would use a powerful Force Pull to grab a few heavy fallen trees to try and smash the General. Surprisingly this would catch the General off guard and he would quickly turn to cut the heavy trees into pieces and evade them, but then turn his attention back at Rey. To his surprise Rey would attempt an offensive assault against he General giving her own offensive strikes, The general would be put on his back foot because Rey would be influenced by the Force. As Rey would be in a lockup against the General she would say " Your time is at an end, Monster!" With a uneasy laugh the General would reply " Have you not? You must realize, You. Are. Doomed." Suddenly where he had 2 arms they would now break away into 4 and suddenly 2 more Lightsabers would ignite the snow covered area. From a distance a snow cloud filled with quick green and blue flashes would be seen for a few seconds, but then darkness. As the night wind blew through the snow the only thing that could be heard was 
" Your Lightsaber will make a fine addition to my collection." 

The Alternative
Rey is able to send the trees at Grievous as he strikes them away and dodges them, Rey is able to escape and train in order to face the General again one day. 

The winner

General Grievous by HessianForHire on DeviantArt

My Closing Thoughts

In the end of the fight this wouldn't come down to a use of the force to handle her adversary, although Rey tried to use the force it was a failure due to her inexperience with the force during combat. Rey's inexperience with combat and force abilities made her less suitable for combat with the force as well as Lightsabers against a more skilled opponent. Rey normally handles her foes with a Lightsaber. This is proven because she not only engages Kylo Ren or the Praetorian Guards, but Supreme Leader Snoke. This was shown she is very head strong and direct as she charged a more powerful force wielder who rag dolled her, the same could be said she would do the same with Grievous if she had the chance. The thing is Grievous was more superior in every way, even the force abilities category he was so well trained,  he was able to combat more experienced force combative Jedi and better duelist. The best comparison is like a Young Ashoka Tano vs Grievous, normally she would shortly engage, but then she would have to retreat, only Rey isnt Tano. Rey might retreat for a moment, but if she sees an opportunity she attacks head on and that poor combat decision costed her dearly.  

My Personal Experience and Thoughts
Again I have had almost 15+ Years of Sword Play experience, although I cant speak for ways of the force, I know enough in the dueling abilities which is what this fight would come down to. This is really a person who is a beginner who shows promising potential going against a seasoned warrior. This was a little bit of an unfair fight really, not because of  a bias, but really its pitching a novice to combat (although she fared well against highly trained Praetorian Guards), but General Grievous is en entirely different category. The chances are highly likely in the favors of General Grievous. In the End General Grievous, The Jedi Hunter, wins this contest 9/10 times. 

Other Videos relevant to this topic.

1. The Lore Master 
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2. The Short Stormtrooper 
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3. The Stupendous Wave
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